Hebrews 12:1-2a

"Let us lay aside every weight,
and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with Endurance
the race that is set before us,
looking unto Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith."
Hebrews 12:1-2a

Monday, December 21, 2015

Updates - Day 220

It was Thanksgiving and now it is nearly Christmas. It has been a busy month for us as it has for many of you.

Today, Dec. 21, Jim and I both had appointments. I know some of you have said you prefer to know what is going on with Jim than with me, but we are a couple, so our life is about us, not just him and not just me. You can always skip those parts that dwell on me.
          I had an epidural in my back this morning at St. Luke's Pain Clinic. Some of the muscle and joint pain of recent months that I thought was related to my left hip and leg was actually in my low back.
          Jim had a one-week follow-up with his primary care physician, Dr. Todd Butler. Last week on Dec. 15, his visit with Dr. Butler revealed his blood pressure to be 70/42 and weight 132 pounds. He increased Jim's dosage of midodrine from 5 mg three times a day to 7 1/2 mg three times a day and suggested a MRA (angiogram) of chest muscles might be in order. Today, after the increase in medicine, Jim's blood pressure was 80/50 and weight 130 pounds. His waist, which had dropped from 33 inches to 31, now measures 29 inches.  The doctor was concerned about the lower BP readings, but decided not to do anything about the MRA at this time. He would wait to see what Jim's cardiologist, Dr. Stephen Bailin, has to say. We see him on Jan. 15. Jim has not had any signs of dizziness or lightheadedness; his lungs are clear, heart and kidneys fine. Lab work was scheduled this past week, and results were normal. Jim is to return to Dr. Butler in 8 weeks.
          We also received a phone call from the office of Jim's rheumatologist, Dr. Michael Brooks. We had to return to MedLabs mid-afternoon so Jim could have an INI of calcium. Jim is scheduled to have a Reclast, an annual IV injection for osteoporosis, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 23, but that procedure may be delayed a week  if calcium results are not received by early Wednesday. He was low on calcium, and earlier this week, was told he also was low on Vitamin D. Both of these supplements were stopped from May to July, when he was having various procedures at UIHC.

Jim still is tired, probably because of the ischemic stroke and arthritis, but the Lord enables him to accomplish many things.
          On Nov. 29, he decorated the lamp post in front of our house and set up the vintage sleigh, reindeer and Santa my parents made many long years ago. He also set up lights so passersby could see it and the nativity in the evening hours. Most of the decorating indoors was done by Dec. 1, and on Dec. 5, Jim started baking for our open house. I  helped with decorating sugar cookies, writing and printing the Christmas newsletter, setting up the food display, etc. We had 35 people come to our Open House Dec. 12, including four members from Wilton Baptist.
          We have over 50 nativities (as well as multiple Christmas trees, angels and Santas) and 10 of them were obtained just this month. Among them: a silver nativity from Ron and Carla Dunnahoo at Wilton, a glass nativity with Merry Christmas across the top from church members at Wilton and one from a hospice client Jim visits in Central City.
          Various Christmas programs we attended were Cedar Rapids Washington Madrigal Singers during evening services Dec. 13 at Immanuel, Austin's preschool musical Dec. 15 at Taylor School, and Immanuel's youth choir during evening services Dec. 20, also at Immanuel.
We continue to serve at Wilton Baptist Church and love our time there. We are in no hurry to have it end, but that is all in God's timing, so we will enjoy whatever He gives us. Jim and I drive to Wilton every Sunday and sometimes Jim or both of us (if it works out) go there mid-week to visit members or lead a service. He also visits members who have had procedures in the hospital.  A Christmas Eve candlelight service will be Thursday, Dec. 24, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Cathy, I pray the epidural is helping. Glad Jim was able to help decorate. sending you God's blessings and Mercy this season we celebrate His birth!
