Hebrews 12:1-2a

"Let us lay aside every weight,
and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with Endurance
the race that is set before us,
looking unto Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith."
Hebrews 12:1-2a

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A step forward, a step back - Day 49

Yesterday was a step back. Today appears to be a step forward. 

Jim went to bed with a headache, and after listening to the thunderstorm and watching the lightning flash across the sky for a while, we fell asleep.  When he woke at 7 a.m., he didn't have a tummy ache and he could do No. 1 of bathroom duties.  He hasn't felt sick all day. 

My devotional reading said to not worry about what was on the road up ahead, but to find your security in knowing Him. 

Jim's devotional reading was from 1 John 4:10, which says "In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins." 

His thoughts ....

It is through joy and grace that one can experience Jesus' love that cannot ever be filled up but always overflows. This is indeed true love he has for us and you. Think about it for a moment -- His love cannot ever be exhausted -- His love is powerful! His love is everything. His love is greater than all of the stars in the heavens that cannot be counted. But the greatest fact of His love is it is free. All one has to do is to accept it by faith in the Lord Jesus as a free gift. Now there is no other love by which we are saved.

I worked till 1:30 p.m., then we had fun times with Austin until around 4. His mom had her last OB appointment before baby James David is born.

We went to Bever Park to see the animals - it is really a sad state of affairs at Old MacDonald Farm, nothing like when I was a kid or even when my nephew was young - of course, even that was nearly 20 years ago. I should have stayed with my memories and forgone revisiting it.

But Austin had fun ...and then on to the playground and later to a Splash Pad on 42nd Street NE. We took pictures - Jim took them all, because he was into sitting, and I was into playing. I'll try to post some of those pictures later. Jim was ready to go home and rest in the recliner.

Tonight Jim and I are going to the Voices of Hope Concert at New Covenant Bible Church. We invited our friends Bob and Lorraine and they accepted and then they offered to drive. Mighty nice of them.

Tomorrow morning Jim has blood drawn again to see if INR readings have dropped. Then he has a 2:30 appointment - his 4-week clinic visit with Dr. Parekh, his surgeon, at UIHC.


Monday, June 29, 2015

A step forward, a step back - Day 48

Jim woke intermittently, beginning at 2 a.m. I thought it should have been later. We finally got out of bed at 7 a.m. He said his tummy felt okay. No BM, but he did have gas. He wondered if discontinuation/completion of the antibiotic for urinary tract infection had anything to do with  why he couldn't do No. 1. He had been able to go on his own for a few days prior to Sunday, but then on Sunday, he couldn't do much - on his own or using the catheter. Today, it remained the same.

He had blood drawn today at MedLabs, then went to Klauer Optical to see what could be done about his buried contact - the contact was removed and he is to rest the eye, putting the contact in later today or possibly tomorrow.

While at Klauer, I called his friendly urologist's office to see if his appointment with Dr. Logan Hoxie on July 14 could be sooner. We are waiting for a call back to see if that is possible. The urology appointment has been rescheduled for Thursday, July 9, at 8 a.m.

We had like 30-35 minutes to get to Lemstone Christian bookstore, which is closing its doors Tuesday, because its owners were retiring. This is the first time we'd been able to get there all month and there wasn't much left, but we did find some good buys. Items were 50 percent off.

And then off to the dentist to get a permanent filling on the tooth that was repaired with root canal on May 4 and to do a cleaning. Jim still has another tooth that needs pulled, but that appointment hasn't yet been rescheduled.

Today's devotional reading had to do with anxiety and how we should and should not handle it.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13)

My writings ...

Anxiety looms
and dooms us
Can I handle it?
Don't ask
Forget the me in you,
my child.
Focus on Me,
My Presence in you
for I AM with you always
and it is through Me
you are strengthened.

The question
to ask
is not
what you can handle
but instead,
what you and I
can handle

for without Me
you are weak

without Me
fear and uncertainty and anxiety
are your compass

Focus on Me
Be aware of Me
Remind yourself
of My Presence
with you always

You, My child,
and Me, your Lord and Savior,
we can accomplish great things
when we do it Together.
(c) CMOL

Dr. Butler's office called with INR readings, which are up quite a bit, at 4.7. Jim is not to take any coumadin tonight or Tuesday night and then have a recheck Wednesday morning.

In today's mail, we received a bill from Area Ambulance Service - for $1,102.31. Wow!
We received a letter from them as well indicating Wellmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield will send payment directly to us and we in turn pay the ambulance service. I hope there are no issues.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Indigestion - Day 47

Today at 4 a.m. I woke suddenly, then fell back asleep. Jim also woke up, went potty and came back to bed. Then he got up again (something I didn't realize) and moved to the recliner, where he managed to fall asleep. When I got up at 6:30, I discovered all this and that he took a pain pill for back pain and indigestion.

I told him he needed to tell me when things were not right, rather than just think he could deal with it himself.  We can pray together.

He had several BMs yesterday and one was loose, so decided last night not to take any Senna.

I called his sister, Dianne, the nurse. She said he needed to take 1 Senna nightly and that a call should be made to UIHC on-call. After all he has had 2 surgeries. Jim didn't want to call. He didn't want to return to the hospital. But he finally agreed to let me call.

In talking with the thoracic fellow on-call, we have come to find out that foods with red sauces, like pizza or pasta with tomato sauce or red wines (that's not a problem with us, considering we don't drink alcohol) can cause more indigestion.

He asked if Jim was taking omeprazole. Well, he was taking pantoprazole before surgery, but was taken off it and had not resumed it. The doctor said he should be on it, as it helps with acid.  He was taking 40 mg twice daily, 30 minutes before breakfast and supper meals.

So, we found a bottle and he has taken a pill before breakfast. It's 7:30 now, and he has had another BM, which is good. He feels a little bit better.

Yesterday, he was hoping to make it to Sunday School today, but now that today is here, that appears very unlikely. His goal is church.

He has been resting since 8. It is now nearly 10. We will leave soon.

Yesterday's devotional writings were a result of readings in Psalm 143:8 and Genesis 28:15.

Psalm 143:8 says ...
"Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning
For in You do I trust;
Cause me to know the way in which I should walk,
For I lift up my soul to You." 

Genesis 28:15 says ...
"Behold, I AM with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to the land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you." 

This last part particularly caught my attention - "I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you."

I thought on it yesterday periodically and again last night when we watched the Christian movie, "End of the Harvest."  God said this to Jacob in a dream. This is a promise made. ...

Is this also a promise to those of us who follow His Son in the current age? What do you think it means? Does it have to do with callings received from the Lord ... like being called to write a book,
to be a teacher, to preach His word ... in season, out of season, when it is convenient, when it is not. Or is it something else?

Today's devotional read was a reminder from Isaiah 55:8 -- "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord." 

and my writings ...

Do not doubt
Do not give in
to "me" thoughts and "me" ways
Do not give up
being aware of Me

Along every road block
I AM with you
whatever this life throws at you
I AM your protector
your refuge
your confidante

See Me
in the midst
of your pain-full days
and pain-free days
I will bring you
through it all

My Ways, My Thoughts
Do not doubt

Live and Love
and Proclaim My Truths
I WILL guide you.
(c) CMOL

I return to Saturday's devotional reading and read it again.

Rest in the Lord for a while
for you have journeyed along a path
steep and rugged
in days not long ago.

The days ahead,
the way,
is covered with uncertainty.

Wow, it dawned on me -
God was giving me a sign
we, Jim and I
we were to rest in Him
and not get caught up
in all that which draws us down
and away from Him.

The indigestion -
all the discomfort it brings -
and whatever else in its wake
is the uncertainty.
Trust Jesus in every step
He will lead us
through the valley
up and down the hills.
Pick us up Lord
Pick us up and carry us.
Give us strength
through every life moment.
Come to his aid Lord.
In your name I pray.
(c) CMOL

Through the Lord's intervention, I managed to get done with work shortly after 4:30 p.m., so Jim and I could go with friends Bob and Lorraine to the Fifth Sunday Fellowship at First Baptist Church, Dunkerton. We hadn't been up there since mid-February. The program started at 5 and we arrived at 5:30 p.m. Many FBC members we'd hoped to see were absent, but it was good to visit with those present.

Tummy ache problems erupted again for Jim and he wanted me to call UIHC on-call around 10. The doctor said he needed to give the pantoprazole time to work - a few days.

Jim also is having urinary problems again - not voiding very much and not getting intended results when self-cathing. The UIHC doctor said to drink water more frequently throughout the day.

And, when getting ready for bed, taking out his hearing aids and contacts, he had problems again with the left contact being up high behind his eye. This problem arose the last day he was in the hospital - June 17 - and was corrected with a visit to the eye clinic. This time, he went to sleep with the problem, hoping to get it corrected in the morning.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Recovery Continues - Day 46

Today must be a sleepy day. We got up and had Bible study and breakfast. Jim checked his email and soon after, said he was tired. So he has spent most of the morning in his recliner zonked out.

It is interesting.
Today's devotional read said this to me ...

Rest in the Lord for a while
for you have journeyed along a path
steep and rugged
in days not long ago.

The days ahead,
the way,
is covered with uncertainty.

The journey ... Jim's journey, our journey together?

Aren't most days uncertain

Only death is certain
Only if you be a child of the Holy King,
is it certain
He, the Lord, is with you.

Plans are made
We pray what we hope will be
will be the Lord's will as well
He directs our steps

The uncertainty
will not make us fearful
if we keep the Lord
close to us
Being aware of Him
Listening for
and hearing
His song of lovingkindness
in the morning Light
and understanding
deep within our soul
the way, the steps
to be taken.

In You, Lord
we place our trust.
(c) CMOL

Friday, June 26, 2015

Recovery Continues - Day 45

The morning was uneventful.  Bathroom duties continue to have good results. Blood was drawn this morning and later in the day, Dr. Butler's office called with INR readings - which are up again at 3.3. Another recheck on Monday morning. A weekend reprieve.

Dizziness struck mid-afternoon, the first time soon after he talked to his sister and then again, about an hour later. I thought maybe his blood pressure was low, but when he took it, the reading was 90/59, which is normal for him. He thought maybe he just got up from the recliner too fast. Don't know. Hasn't happened since.

We had pasta for supper with cheese bread. At some point, Jimmy got a tummy ache. I think he might have ate too fast. He said it didn't feel the same as before when his tummy was cramping. I drink ginger tea when digestion gets the best of me. Perhaps we should get some ginger ale for him - he doesn't like tea. Pray the tummy ache eases and he can get a good night's sleep.

It appears Craig, our house guest, did not leave today. He doesn't quite have everything done he needs done before his departure.  

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Recovery Continues - Day 44

Today was mostly a quiet day. Bathroom duties are more regular. Jim snacked throughout the day, as did I, while he watched TV shows and I did Gazette work. Tonight was the first time he prepared the evening meal from start to finish, and although we didn't eat all of everything he fixed, it sure was delicious.

Today is our house guest, Craig Horning's last day with us. After 6 weeks, he heads home to New Mexico on Friday afternoon. He will be missed.  

Obviously we should have prayed first before filling out a survey on our opinion of UnityPoint at Home (formerly known as St. Luke's Home Care) because three-quarters the way through it, Jim tore it up. That was primarily because he considered many of its questions none of their business. The initial conversation with UnityPoint at Home was not a positive experience. Too bad. 

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Recovery Continues - Day 43

We both slept well, waking at 7:10 a.m. Jim had a small BM this morning and said more is coming. He takes a stool softener for this - has been taking it since his first stay in the hospital. He also takes Milk of Magnesia and started taking Senna last night. At nearly 9 we went to MedLabs, where Jim had blood drawn, then came home. I will soon start Gazette work for the day.

It was a hectic day for me, with work and all sorts of phone calls - most work-related, but also medical re: Jim's appointments or bills billed to the wrong place, and then one that was spam.

Dr. Butler's office called with INR readings. It is now 3.0, so he's to take more Coumadin tonight, less tomorrow night and then he visits the lab on Friday morning. He is glad he doesn't have to go anywhere tomorrow morning.

Dr. Li's (cardiology) office called too and said his thyroid level was up a bit. Thyroid problems are one of the side effects of taking Amiodarone, so for the next 2 months, he'll be taking one-half tab of it and then have it rechecked.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Recovery Continues - Day 42

Jim had blood drawn again this morning. He is getting very tired of this. It is nearly 3 p.m. now and we have not heard back from the doctor's office on what his INR readings are. His doctor did say he could resume taking generic Allegro for his allergies.

The project Jim and Craig worked on yesterday with the kitchen light switches was continued this morning, and later after Jim and I left to go to my eye appointment, Craig got it working. It certainly was not an easy fix.

We visited Miss Anna, who was very glad to see Jim, but we didn't stay long. He was really tired and his incisions were hurting big time. Now that he is home and in more comfortable clothes, he's going to take a pain pill and rest.

Dr. Butler's office called around 5 p.m. Jim's INR readings today are at 3.3 - they're going up, instead of down, yet doc wants him to continue with one 3 mg. tab of Coumadin and you know, do the blood draw thing again tomorrow. It's getting old for both of us.

Jim has reduced how much and how often he takes pain pills. He still has issues with bowel movement.

We have two prayer concerns at this point:
1) the INR readings level off and Jim doesn't have to visit MedLabs so often
2) become regular with BM

We may have to call UIHC again because of problems with the latter... however, he does have gas. Funny, how that can be a good thing. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Appointments - Day 41

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a boy (or girl) healthy, wealthy and wise. ... tired is more like it.

Jim's first appointment was at 8:30 with Dr. WeiWei Li at PCI Cardiology. He weighs 135.6 pounds without shoes. His blood pressure was taken twice, 10 minutes apart -- first it showed 68/30 and then 80/50.

An EKG was taken. Some of the meds were discussed, particularly the Amiodarone, which is taken to help control the AFib. We were told the medicine can affect the thyroid and liver and with long-term use, side effects increase.

Dr. Li was not sure how long Jim would be on Warfarin (Coumadin). The doctors at UIHC said he would probably be on it for several months and if his heart stayed in rythym, he could probably go off it. Before Jim was released May 21 after his cancer surgery and through his second release  June 17 after a 10-day stint at UIHC, his heart remained in rythym. I got the distinct impression from Dr. Li that because Jim had an ischemic stroke 3 years ago, he might go in and out of AFib and never know it, and that might be reason enough to remain on the medicine. It makes more sense to me to pray about what God would have him / us do. Listen to the doctors and then determine.

Dr. Li wanted a pulmonary function test and nuclear stress test done - the pulmonary function test wll be Tuesday, July 7, at St. Luke's, and the nuclear stress test, July 13 and 14, at PCI Cardiology.

Next we attempted to make an appointment with Dr. Hoxie, his urologist. They are kind of booked up, so will call us to let us know when they can get Jim in. PCI Urology called back at 2 p.m. and we now have an appointment for Tuesday afternoon, July 14.

Third stop was MedLabs in Hiawatha.... for blood drawn for INR  readings and a thyroid check requested by Dr. Li.

Jim's second appointment and fourth stop was UnityPoint Clinic in Hiawatha to see Dr. Todd Butler, Jim's primary care physician. Dr. Butler et.al. manages Jim's coumadin, although he says the pharmacy or cardiology department could also manage it.  Blood pressure results were 88/58. Dr. Butler said he would appreciate knowing when Jim is off the coumadin. He wasn't too happy with communication from UIHC. We are to return for a follow-up visit in two months - Monday, Aug. 3.

Jim is feeling better, more energy, but still tiredness sets in. He is currently working with Craig trying to figure out why the kitchen light switch (es) aren't working. That project has bit the dust. The two of them decided it takes more know-how than they have.

He has not taken any pain meds since 10 o'clock last night.

Jane from Dr. Butler's office called and said Jim's INR level is at 3.0, so 3 mg. Coumadin tonight and another blood draw tomorrow.

Jim is eating more and the food is digesting fine.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

On the Road - Day 40

Today is Father's Day. Jim wanted to attend Sunday school and church at First Baptist - LaGrange, so we did. We had a restful sleep, getting up at 6:30. We had lunch - delicious lasagna, and after I had a 40-minute nap, got the car loaded to head home. We had to rely on mostly other people to help us load and unload  the car as Jim can't lift anything more than 10 pounds for 4 weeks.

Just as we were about to turn the Mp3 on to listen to music, we discovered some bunny chewed the cable .... what it was doing on the floor when that is where Mr. Bunny was as well, is anybody's guess. I suggested to Jim that we pray the Lord would help us find the correct cable replacement in Canton - and we did, at Dollar General!

We are so grateful the Lord arranged it so we could spend a couple of days in NE Missouri with Larry and Dorothy who opened their home and their hearts to us and to Pammy and many others we haven't seen for months.

We got home at 5:15 p.m. to discover the heat was on. How is a good question. When we left, the air was on, but when we returned, it was 81 degrees in the house. Nearly 4 hours later, at 8:50 p.m., it is 78 degrees. A little more tolerable. Craig doesn't know what happened. He noticed the warmth this morning.

Rocky, Christina and Austin came over around 7, brought roasted chicken and mashed potatoes for us and Father's Day gifts for "PaPa" Jim - he got a T-shirt that says World's Best Grandpa No. 1, a handprint of Austin, a special Father's Day card from Austin, and Rocky told him Happy Father's Day. We enjoyed special time together, with Austin, Christina and I getting wet / dancing with the sprinkler.  We love our family. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

On the Road - Day 39

Jim slept pretty good, I woke intermittently. We got up around 7 a.m., did Bible study, had breakfast, and then then fell back asleep.

A Scripture verse Janice gave me last night - Zephaniah 3:17,  I re-read, including previous verses. It says -- 

"Sing, O daughter of Zion!
Shout, O Israel!
Be glad and rejoice with all your heart,

O daughter of Jerusalem! 
The Lord has taken away your judgments
He has cast out your enemy.
The King of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst;
You shall see disaster no more.

In the day, it shall be said to Jerusalem;
Do not fear;
Zion, let not your hands be weak.
 The Lord your God in your midst;
The Mighty One will save

He will rejoice over you with gladness,
He will quiet you with His love;
He will rejoice over you with singing."

(Zephaniah 3:14-17)

I write --

Our God is faithful
He seeks our faithfulness
our trust
in Him, The One
who never leaves us
nor forsakes us
The One who saves us
who rejoices over us
with gladness, with singing
The One who quiets us
with His Love

The Lord, our God,
is in our midst
We have no reason
to be fearful
when it is His Army
we are surrounded by
in front as we move forward
in back as we fall
to the left and right
as we change direction

Be glad and rejoice
with all our heart
as He, The One,
who is glad and rejoices
over us
When we are one in The Spirit
One in The Lord.
(c) Cathy Orrick Luders

Reminds me of the song,  "We are One in The Spirit," written in 1966  by Peter Scholte.  Here are the lyrics:

verse 1
We are One in The Spirit,
We are One in The Lord.
We are One in The Spirit,
We are One in The Lord.
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored

And they'll know we are Christians by our love,
By our Love,
Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love.

verse 2
We will work with each other,
We will work side by side.
We will work with each other,
We will work side by side.
And we'll guard each man's dignity
And save each man's pride

verse 3
We will walk with each other,
We will walk hand in hand.
We will walk with each other,
We will walk hand in hand.
And together we'll spread the News
that God is in our land.

A version found on YouTube.com

We have come so far.
Let us not forget from where God has brought us
and where He will have us go
Let us always look to Him
Let us make every effort
to seek His will for us
before we seek our own.

Saturday was a most restful day. Jim and I did things that were not on a must do, have to do list. And we did it at our pace. After lunch, we headed to Quincy, Ill., and shopped at Big Lots! and Kmart, two stores that are no longer part of the Cedar Rapids scene. I found skirts, Jim found a pair of lounge pants (look like torn jeans) that are much easier on his incisions, as the waist band on his regular jeans is too tight. We bought a few other things too, including a DVD of country western movies for he and Larry to watch. It was such a peaceful time, I could have done with 10 more Saturdays just like this one. We watched movies, or talked, or napped, or read, or had mini-massages.

Thunderstorms and tornado watches ruled the night hours. It was so still and humid beforehand, with temperatures in the 90s during the day.

Jim's pain is still present; he takes one pill in the early afternoon and then two at bedtime. His back hurts frequently when we're in the car, so he has a backrest, and he puts a pillow between him and the seatbelt to make the area of the incisions less painful.

We went to bed at 10 p.m.

Friday, June 19, 2015

On The Road - Day 38

We're taking a weekend road trip, leaving this morning. We both woke up early and got a lot done - Jim has a bit more energy,  but didn't exactly leave by the proposed 10 o'clock hour. Jim had blood drawn at MedLabs downtown and they were backed up, with only one person working. It will probably be closer to 11 before we actually leave.

We arrived in LaGrange, Mo., at 2 p.m. It took 3 hours - 30 minutes longer because we stopped 3 times. I was so tired, my eyes were heavy. 

We had supper at 6:15 p.m.  I reminded Jim often to eat slower ... you don't want to upchuck it. But I suppose sooner or later, that will happen anyway. Later, a mini-Bluegrass jam / practice session  that we thoroughly enjoyed. Larry Gillespie and his brother, Kenny, both played guitar; Larry's daughter, Pam Stewart, played the mandolin. Larry's wife, Dorothy, played bass, and Kenny's wife, Donna, played the accordion. Friend Janice Wieland, who writes poetry set to music by Dorothy, sang. It was so relaxing, restful.

Jim took a pain pill early afternoon while we were traveling - for his back and two more in the evening while listening to Bluegrass music.

We went to bed at 10:30 p.m.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Home Again - Day 37

Today is the first full day Jim has been home from the hospital and it has been a busy one .. .

Jim woke up at 7 and I slept in till 8.

He is very tired so has slept frequently during the day. His appetite also isn't up to snuff. He didn't have any breakfast, had pudding after noon and the pasta at 4:45 p.m.

My devotional study this morning brought me to Jeremiah 29:11 -- "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope."  

My thoughts --

Jesus sets the pace
Not us
We may have much to do
but first and foremost
we must focus on Him,
keeping our steps in line
with His
instead of us moving
on our own thinking.
That is not easy.
We have appointments
to keep
and new ones to make,
but along the way
we need to keep
our primary focus on Him,
so we don't become discouraged.
Discouragement comes
from our own way of thinking,
from our focus on things
other than Christ
and His goals, His mission,
for us
Discouragement is at the back door
moving to the front
when we think our plans
are the best plans
and they should not fail.
We need to keep in mind
who is in charge of all life.
It is not us.
(c) Cathy Orrick Luders

Our day --

I already had two appointments for today and made two more for next week before both of us (and Bandy the Bunny) left at 9:30.  Bandy had a 10 o'clock appointment for a nail trim. Then we went to MedLabs so Jim could have blood drawn. He's back on Coumadin for his Afib (a complication of his cancer surgery May 12) and will stay on it for several months to see how things go. The doctors at UIHC said that if his heart stays in rythym over a period of time he may be able to discontinue the Coumadin.

After I dropped off Jim and Bandy at home, I went to CVS Pharmacy to pick up 9 prescriptions for Jim plus stop at Klauer Optical to pick up and of course pay for the left contact he lost in the hospital over a week ago. Then there was a noon appointment for the car - just an oil change and tire rotation... Ha! It's not often you can take the car in for one thing and be done, so today was no exception. We needed two back tires which we got at a somewhat reasonable price, plus the free alignment. That whole process took 1 1/2 hours -- you'd think I would have the waiting process down by now.

By the time I got home Jim wanted to go to the Fareway grocery store to find things to take tomorrow morning for our mini-road trip to NE Missouri. And then we got some nutritional protein drinks to help put some weight on him. His current weight is in the 130s. And then we stopped at Zio Johno's for good tasting pasta, which we had soon after arriving home. Jim can't eat very much and he gets full rather easily, but I gave him 5 Tablespoons of mostaccoli (sp?) and he ate all of it, plus a small glass of apple juice.

It's now 5:15 p.m. I have meds to put in the pill container for the next several days and evening meds as well. A suitcase to pack, a car to pack. And the things I didn't get done today, won't be done tomorrow either; it will probably be Monday afternoon, after morning appointments.

Tomorrow morning we have to get blood drawn again at MedLabs. By 10 a.m. we hope to be on the road heading south.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Moving Forward / Coming Home - Day 36

Jim didn't sleep well. His roommate had the TV on all night and apparently the sound was loud enough to keep Jim awake. Plus this morning someone kept coming in wanting to weigh him starting at 4 a.m. He hopes to nap during the day.

The catheter was removed this mornng. Is on all oral meds except the antibiotic. Will start a soft, mushy diet once he has a BM. A lot of things are possible once he has had a BM - he may get to go home on Thursday.

I have 4 days of vacation beginning Thursday. Last week we asked the Lord to make it possible for us to go to NE Missouri, i.e. LaGrange,  at least for a couple of days ... Friday and Saturday, maybe Sunday.

Our immediate prayer request is for Jim to have a BM.

The Lord tells us to Pray without ceasing
to be Thankful in everything
But we are not thankful ...
More often we are Disgruntled
We want this and that and something other
but stuck with something entirely different  -- and then Depression, Discouragement follow us.
The Lord tells us to pray, to give thanks in everything
To keep our focus on Him
But are we
do we
in everything
in all things
(c) Cathy Orrick Luders

Jim called at 8:45 a.m. New orders came in from Dr. Parekh. Forget the soft, mushy diet. If he has a BM, he will start a regular diet. If he has a BM, he may be able to go home today.

Jim called again at 10:45 a.m. He had a shower and feels "wonderful." Updated orders came in ... he is on a full regular diet and will be given a suppository.  Still needs a BM.

Jim called again mid-afternoon. He has done his duty, albeit small, but done is done, and he is coming home. As soon as I get off work, I can pick him up. And we've been given the green light for our trip to NE Missouri.

We got home at 7:50 p.m. We have much to do tomorrow and he has some new meds we have to hopefully get from CVS Pharmacy. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Moving Forward - Day 35

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I do hope. My soul waits for the Lord. More than those who wait for the morning - yes, more than those who watch for the morning." (Psalm 130:5-6)

This morning's devotional was about being aware of unseen things - as in the Lord - as we live our lives in the visible world vs letting our senses dominate our thinking.

What do you suppose our senses are?

  • Sight 
  • Hear 
  • Touch
  • Taste
  • Smell
This morning when Jim called, I used the sense of hearing, albeit wrongly. I heard grumpiness - he sounded grumpy, yet he said he wasn't. If I continue along the vein of what I perceive, then whatever I think about the situation becomes mine and no longer is God in control. We are. So easy to miss the mark of where God wants us to be. 

The doctors had come in and Jim might be able to start the soft, mushy diet today, dependent on how things progress. He still needs to pass gas, and although he feels like he could, it hasn't been forthcoming. The pain from the heperin shot given  before supper yesterday subsided and apparently the shot given early this morning was not as bothersome either.

This morning I am having a massage - yeah! I won't be up to see Jimmy until later in the afternoon, as I am taking Christina to UIHC to see her OB and hopefully get a date for baby James' delivery.

The massage was wonderful .... when I got home, the clock in the living room said 12:12, my cell phone said 12:13 and there was a message from Jim indicating it came in at 12:14... lol ... and now at 12:30, I can't reach him..... Anyway, his message was that the IV meds were removed and he's passing gas. Another hill conquered. Great news!

Later, I discovered all of the IV meds, except the antibiotic for the urinary tract infection, were discontinued. The IV itself still is intact and will remain in until he leaves the hospital.

These past two weeks I must be residing in the village of trial and error. This afternoon on the way to UIHC with Christina, I got stopped in Coralville for speeding ... 37 in a 25 mph zone. I had just exited the interstate and was heading into Coralville. The policeman just gave me a warning. Thank goodness.

Jim is still on the all liquids diet. His roommate, Mike, went home today, and now he has a new roommate. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Moving Forward - Day 34

Jim was wakened by the doctors at 7 a.m.

He will remain on clear liquids until he passes gas. When that has been accomplished, he will begin full liquids.

The foley catheter may be removed today and then Jim may start taking flomax by mouth.

Amazingly today was a pretty decent day for me. I actually got some rest ... in Jim's hospital bed of all places. He in the chair watching MeTV and me in the bed reading 4 days worth of The Gazette.

I spent the morning at home, making or changing appointments and paying some bills, and the afternoon at the hospital.

Jim had visitors this morning - Edwin and Eloise Jordan from rural North English. Jim has over the years occasionally filled the pulpit for Brother Edwin at Pleasant Grove Grace Brethren Church.

Doctors Parekh and Tcheng and nurse practitioner Melissa came by at 3:15 p.m. Dr. Parekh ordered a full liquid diet for Jim beginning tonight even though he has not passed gas. Apparently he did a tiny little bit yesterday, so miniscule he didn't think about mentioning it to me. The foley catheter will stay in until at least tomorrow, but he started taking flomax earlier today. The plan is for all the other meds received through the IV to come out on Tuesday and receive all via mouth. He is being weaned off his pain medication - receiving it now every 20 minutes through the pain button. If he needs it more often, he has to ask for a pain pill.

Jim was given a heperin shot at 4:45 p.m., but this time it continued hurting, continues hurting long past the initial shot. This is unusual, and he is due for another one at 12:30 a.m.

Jim and I spent an hour together in the bed - there was room! watching TV and just enjoying being close.

At 6:15, his supper came - he order blended chicken noodle soup and pureed mac and cheese. His favorite was the mac and cheese, said it was very flavorful, but not so much the soup.

I left at 6:45, and discovered, to my chagrin, that when I got to my car, its battery was dead. So I had to call AAA ... I explained to them where the car was - Ramp 3, 4th floor, UIHC, Iowa City, Iowa. The lady repeated to me, so you're in the main parking lot. No ... no no no. I am in Ramp 3, 4th floor. AAA said it would be up to 9:30 p.m. before someone would come. Really... Someone was praying at that moment ... or many someones were. A lady from Campus Towing called within minutes and said she talked Harold into staying late ... Thank You! and that he would be at my "door" within 10 to 15 minutes. I told him when he arrived and got the battery re-charged, that he was a blessing. I was so thankful for his aid.

Jim and I have received so many blessings, in recent days, weeks, months. God is in control. Jesus is at the helm. Keep Him at the forefront of your life of whatever comes along. You will be astounded what He can do, what you can do through His power.

Specific prayers would be that the residual of the heperin  shot would go away and that he will not continue to be in pain after the 12:30 shot is given and that he is able to pass gas or otherwise.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Moving Forward - Day 33

We both woke at 7 this morning.

Jim reminded me to put the flag out. Today is BeeJay Bunny Boy's birthday - he died two years ago and would have been 15 today - on Flag Day. So the flag is out in his honor and for our country.

My morning devotional was in Isaiah 61:10, but God led me to Isaiah 62:10 --

"Go through,
Go through the gates!
Prepare the way for the people;
Build up,
Build up the highway!
Take out the stones,
Lift up a banner for the peoples!" 

A most interesting verse in many ways.

One, because God has given me a book to write about the stones that lead us astray and guide us to the Rock of Jesus

Two, because it is a command to God's people, to Jim and I, to go, wherever we are, proclaim His divine word, take out the stones - the stones of darkness, of fleshly pursuits, to encourage, to show the way of Christ to all.

When I called Jim at 9 to share this verse, he said the doctor was in and he is to start clear liquids. He may be able to go home in a couple of days. Jim wants to go home on Tuesday.

I was up to see him between 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. Today's menu included 8 ounces of apple juice, a snack-size jello, and for supper, hard candy.

Jim says his pain is letting up some, making it easier for him to get around.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Moving Forward - Day 32

It's a new day.

The winds may blow
The rains may come
but it's a new day
a God-created day
and you are a new person
today, this day.
(c) Cathy Orrick Luders

Jim called at 7 a.m. Both he and his roommate, Mike, slept well through the night. Said he is stll in a lot of pain - in his tummy - always pushing the pain button (every 6 minutes), and would like it to go away. So that's his immediate prayer request.

It's another work day for me, so after I visit St. Ludmila's Kolach Festival and buy a dozen poppy seed kolaches for myself and deliver some to Miss Anna, work will begin anew.

It's after noon. Jim just called and the NG tube is out - a day early. He is so glad and says maybe he can start taking liquids (sips) today. So far there is no doctor's order indicating he can drink anything.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Moving Forward - Day 31

Today marks 1 month since Jim's first surgery to remove the cancer in his esophagus.

I didn't sleep well. Woke first at 3 a.m., after 4 hours of sleep, then at 5 and then decided to get up at 5:30. Made some hot green ginger tea and settled down for Bible study.

I read about the Lord being my song and pursued that ....

"Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid
For YAH, the Lord is my strength and song;"
(Isaiah 12:2)

"Sing to Him a new song." (Psalm 33:3a)

"I waited patiently for the Lord,
And He inclined to me,
And heard my cry
He also brought me up
out of a horrible pit,
out of the miry clay,
and set my feet upon arock,
and established my steps.
He has put a new song in my mouth -
Praise to our God;
Many will see it and fear;
and will trust in the Lord." 

(Psalm 40:1-3)

My writings ...

My Lord
My Salvation
My Strength
My Song

My Song
of Praise
for every moment
a new song
where I have been
where I am now
wait silent
for Him
My Lord
who moves me
upon the rock
of His Son
My Jesus
a new song given
to me
my footsteps established
my handholds tightened
my mouth sweetness overflowing
praises come.
(c) Cathy Orrick Luders

7:05 a.m. - Jim called. The doctors just left. The report is good ... great .... actually excellent!

A resection was not necessary. Part of the colon was twisted, so it was untwisted. The area where the blockage was was cleaned out. The NG tube will be taken out in 2 days and he will resume a full liquid diet.

Jim said the doctors commented, "It wasn't as bad as they thought it could have been."

The pain button attached to the IV is back in place (like what he used right after the first surgery), so he can receive medication every 6 minutes as needed. Jim said it is real painful when he hiccups or coughs.

The nurses will be getting him up today for short walks.

Plan is he will be able to go home by Wednesday.

Hallalujah! Praise the Lord!

UnityPoint Home Medical came by shortly after noon to pick up the IV pole, travel backpack and feeding pump. It's up to us to get rid of the nutritional supplement - we have 4 cases and 2 weeks worth of IV bags that we no longer need. Jim thought Hospice Compassas could use them or maybe one of our readers. If you are interested, let us know.

We talked with each other through the day. He took 3 walks and sat up in the chair as often. His tummy still is painful.

I arrived at his doorstep shortly after 6:30. We had the room to ourselves for a while, until his new roommate, Mike, got settled in. Mike's arrival was brought about through a heart attack.

Jim and I took a walk down to the visitor lounge and looked at photos I took of our improved bath tub area  upstairs. I left the hospital at 9:15 p.m.


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Procedure - Day 30

Jim called at 7. Dr. Yerkes was in and said time frame for the scope and possible surgery to take care of the blocked bowel is mid morning or first thing in the afternoon. Jim and I think that might be around 10 a.m. or 1 p.m.

I arrived at Jim's room at 9 a.m., Pastor Dan and Lily shortly before 10. Tentative hour for procedure changed to 11 a.m., but 11 o'clock came and went, with no sign or word from anyone in OR.

At 1:30 p.m., Jim was taken to pre-op on 5th floor and by 2 p.m. was heading to the Operating Room. That was the last I saw of him until 7:25 p.m., when he was brought back into his room on 4th floor. I learned he was taken to recovery at 5:40 p.m.

Someone from his team of doctors was to come talk to me and/or us about the procedure, but that didn't happen, so I cannot tell you exacts. I am hoping tomorrow morning I will have answers. I had heard the OR was a busy place today and Jim said the recovery area was filled.

When he came back into the room, good signs were he was alert and able to move from the bed surgery personnel brought him in on to the one in his room. He was glad to see me. The UIHC doesn't let families into recovery.

The J-tube has been removed, which he was glad about. The NG tube in his nose remains, but perhaps that too will come out in a few days. Also he is still under NPO orders (Nothing By Mouth). Can't be on that forever, or he'll weigh nothing. His nurse gave him a pain shot and anti-nausea medicine.

Among things he said he was looking forward to:

  • sleeping in his own bed and sitting in his recliner
  • not having the IV pole 
  • being able to get up to answer the door without the IV pole falling over
  • not having to cart nutrition stuff in a backpack everywhere
I did a lot of sitting. I was eating lunch when Lorraine came by and we had a nice visit. Many called, but I had no answers. 

I did my morning Bible study today at 5 p.m. The verse, from Luke 1:79, says, "To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death; To guide our feed into the way of peace." 

This is what I wrote, a prayer ...

May the Light of Jesus
guide us
our feet
our hands
our mouths
into the way
of His Peace

We cannot
be led
unless we are
We cannot
be focused
unless it is
in Him
with Him
of Him
we believe
with our
every breath
and fiber
all He

May the Light of Jesus
the dark intrusions
that settle
on our bones
into our eyes
out of our mouths

May His Light
revive us
renew us
restore us
refine us
redefine us

May His Love
become our Love
His gentleness
His kindness
His Patience
all become ours

May His Truth
be shared
May His blessings
surrond us
transform us
through every trial
we face

May His glory --
the Light
of our Lord
and Savior
forever shine

May we be
of that Light
and through our lives
pass on
that Light
of His
to another
and another. 
(c) Cathy Orrick Luders

I left the hospital at 8:45 p.m., stopped at McDonalds for a fish sandwich, and headed homeward. Within 15 minutes I was near the North Liberty exit and the wind picked up and the rainstorms followed. It was not a good place to be caught in. Traffic slowed to a crawl and most of us put our emergency flashers on, often stopping alongside the interstate, under bridge overpasses for a brief respite. What is normally a 30-40 minute drive home, took an hour and 15 minutes. I talked to Jim during my stopping periods and he called once to tell me to take the 32nd street exit, not  42nd Street NE as it was flooded. I was glad when I arrived home. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Set Back - Day 29

Jim called at 7. Said he woke at 3 when his roommate called for the nurse. Then later he had pain in his back, so asked for pain shot. At 4:30 he had x-ray of abdomen, followed by labs and vitals. He was waiting to see the doctor.

My Scripture reading this morning:
"My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory; the rock of my strength. And my refuge is in God." (Psalm 62:5-7)

I write:

Is it the doctor
Is it the plumber
Is it the results
that we -- impatient --
But more likely
it is God
for whom we wait.

with tears streaming
down our faces
voices distraught
with the mess
of the day(s)
and current
a moment yet to come
this day or another
God holds.

Our trust
does not waiver
It is with Him
He is the one constant
that stays

Our expectation
is for better
but better or best
comes to us
through God's strength
according to His will

The Lord is with us
every step
every direction
left or right
up or down
surrounding us

Remember Him
at the forefront
Do not be moved.
(c) Cathy Orrick Luders

Jim called again at 8:45 a.m. Dr. Jason Tcheng was in. The x-ray continues to show blockage. They were hoping the obstruction would resolve itself. Dr. Tcheng said they may do a scope tomorrow -  a small incision in the abdomen. Depending upon what is seen, it could turn into surgery, with a larger incision, to take care of the bowel obstruction. Jim hopes he will have some answers by the time I get there after work tonight.

A poem sent by my friend Lorraine - it is written by  Amy Carmichael, who died in 1951.

Thy Way Is Perfect 
Long is the way, and very steep the slope,
Strengthen me once again, O God of hope.

Far, very far, the summit doth appear;
But Thou art near my God, but Thou art near.

And Thou wilt give me with my daily food,
Powers of endurance, courage, fortitude

Thy way is perfect; only let that way
Be clear before my feet from day to day.

Thou art my Portion, saith my soul to Thee,
O what a Portion is my God to me.


Jim has lost his left contact ... in the hospital room's bathroom. Another has been ordered - probably be here Monday.

Nearly 1 p.m. -- Jim called a few minutes ago. Drs. Parekh and Yerkes were both in. They plan to do a scope Thursday, but at this moment don't have a time. They may be able to give him a better idea later today. If the obstruction is twisted, it can be untwisted via the scope. If it is more extensive, they will remove the small intestine and be under general anesthesia. He would be in the hospital another 7 days.

It is after 11 p.m. We still do not know a time. Perhaps tomorrow morning we will know something definite.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Set Back - Day 28

I woke at 6 this morning. Jim called at 7 - he had an x-ray of his abdomen at 5:30, which still shows some blockage. The doctor will compare today's x-ray  with yesterday's and go from there.

I called Kenway Service and Drain Cleaning at 8 and they will squeeze me in to check out our sewer issue.

From one blockage to another blockage.

Plumber just called - 8:15 ... they're coming now! Thank you Lord!

8:50 a.m. - the line is open! Just everyday stuff clogged in the drain. And the price was reasonable! Now to turn on the air and get some bleach to get rid of the smell.

Thank you so much Don and Carol, Lorraine and Bob and so many more.

I didn't get up to see Jim until 2 this afternoon. Dr. Yerkes never came back after this morning's visit - believe he was in surgery most of the day. The only order that came in was to re-insert the foley catheter. He apparently hasn't been able to void on his own since Monday morning and I guess it was decided might as well put the foley in rather than doing a straight cath.

Bile has stopped coming out of the NG tube, his stomach doesn't cramp as much, he doesn't need the anti-nausea or pain medicine as often. It looks like things are improving, but .... he will more than likely have another x-ray tomorrow of his abdomen.

I am working tomorrow, so won't get up to see him until closer to 7 p.m. I will try to update when we visit via phone.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Set Back - Day 27

Today begins anew. Seven hours rested sleep - thank you Jesus - will give me energy for this day.

Jim called at 7. Slept pretty well. Did not have success, unfortunately, with last night's enema or suppository. There is some difficulty in knowing what to give him since he can't take anything by mouth or J-tube.

He is to have an x-ray of chest, I think, or stomach this afternoon.

Jim called at 8:30. Dr. Parekh was in and told Jim he may need additional surgery. Jim doesn't want more surgery. He wants a bowel movement. Said he is getting depressed. Was upbeat before the previous surgery, but now, he is going downhill.

Please pray .... call him, visit him ... if you can.

I arrived at the hospital at 10:45. Around 11:30 Jim and I took a walk down one hall of the wing and up the other. When we got back, he was weighed - he didn't like what it said - 137.5 pounds. He's lost 6 pounds! Shortly after noon he started receiving an antibiotic for the urinary tract infection - 400 mg ciprofloxacin through the IV. And then around 12:30 p.m. he was taken to radiology for an x-ray of his abdomen.

He complained throughout the day of cramping and while at radiology and afterward, chills.

Dr. Yerkes came by at 3:20 p.m. and had the first positive news of the day. He said the x-ray showed good things -- the bile in the NG tube is green yucky stuff, but that is good, compared to yesterday, when only saliva was coming through. Between the bile going out through the NG tube and other gunk going out of the stomach through the J-tube, the obstruction is dissolving. Another x-ray of the abdomen will be done Tuesday and if everything continues going good, it is conceivable surgery is unnecessary. But if surgery is necessary, so it will be.

Last night, when Craig, who is staying with us for a while, came home, he said water backed up after he flushed the toilet. Tonight, I really had to do some laundry and I guess I really should not have. Because the sewer is backing up and when I looked in the bathroom, the shower stall is filled with ugly dirty water. I don't know what to do. I don't think there's anything I can do tonight. I can't get it all done. I can't get up early enough to get everything done. I want a massage. I don't have time for a massage.