Hebrews 12:1-2a

"Let us lay aside every weight,
and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with Endurance
the race that is set before us,
looking unto Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith."
Hebrews 12:1-2a

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A step forward, a step back - Day 49

Yesterday was a step back. Today appears to be a step forward. 

Jim went to bed with a headache, and after listening to the thunderstorm and watching the lightning flash across the sky for a while, we fell asleep.  When he woke at 7 a.m., he didn't have a tummy ache and he could do No. 1 of bathroom duties.  He hasn't felt sick all day. 

My devotional reading said to not worry about what was on the road up ahead, but to find your security in knowing Him. 

Jim's devotional reading was from 1 John 4:10, which says "In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins." 

His thoughts ....

It is through joy and grace that one can experience Jesus' love that cannot ever be filled up but always overflows. This is indeed true love he has for us and you. Think about it for a moment -- His love cannot ever be exhausted -- His love is powerful! His love is everything. His love is greater than all of the stars in the heavens that cannot be counted. But the greatest fact of His love is it is free. All one has to do is to accept it by faith in the Lord Jesus as a free gift. Now there is no other love by which we are saved.

I worked till 1:30 p.m., then we had fun times with Austin until around 4. His mom had her last OB appointment before baby James David is born.

We went to Bever Park to see the animals - it is really a sad state of affairs at Old MacDonald Farm, nothing like when I was a kid or even when my nephew was young - of course, even that was nearly 20 years ago. I should have stayed with my memories and forgone revisiting it.

But Austin had fun ...and then on to the playground and later to a Splash Pad on 42nd Street NE. We took pictures - Jim took them all, because he was into sitting, and I was into playing. I'll try to post some of those pictures later. Jim was ready to go home and rest in the recliner.

Tonight Jim and I are going to the Voices of Hope Concert at New Covenant Bible Church. We invited our friends Bob and Lorraine and they accepted and then they offered to drive. Mighty nice of them.

Tomorrow morning Jim has blood drawn again to see if INR readings have dropped. Then he has a 2:30 appointment - his 4-week clinic visit with Dr. Parekh, his surgeon, at UIHC.