Jim didn't sleep too well - he woke up at 1:30 and had to use the catheter. Then he was up again at 2:30 and woke me, asking for pain meds. We both got up for the day at 6:30 and he received another dose of pain meds at 7 a.m.
I wonder if the rainy weather has anything to do with the increased pain - maybe his arthritis is adding to his misery.
Today we are going to the 10:45 service at Immanuel. We'll use the travel pack for the feeding tube supplies and pump and also take a dose of pain meds with us in the event it is needed.
Had to make a call to UIHC on-call to talk to a thoracic doctor. Although there were no bubbles in the heimlich tube (whoopie cushion), Jim said the tube was dripping a little bit. Fortunately and thankfully, it didn't require a visit to Iowa City. The doctor said to just tape some gauze lightly over the bottom of the tube and change as needed. So we did that, and also changed the dressing on his pigtail drain.
Jim is dressed and resting before we move the feeding tube stuff to the travel pack. Hope to leave for church by 10 a.m.
We just got home and unloaded ... it's 12:33 p.m. It was a great worship service, albeit a tiring one for him. Kyle Dwyer was ordained a deacon and Jim participated in the laying on of hands.
He had a slight mishap when the Cooks came by for a visit at 1:30. Jim was in a deep sleep and when the doorbell rang, it startled him and he just moved to get up, without realizing he was attached to things. Hence, the IV pole fell over. Another fortunate, thankful moment that the feeding tube did not come out.
While the Cooks were here, we all took a short walk up the street, about a block round-trip.
Jim is back to using the catheter today. Don't know why. As soon as he's done, will get pain meds. He is also needing pain medication closer to every 4 hours now. Yesterday, he took them 14 hours apart. I'm wondering if resting in the recliner or bed more than taking walks made it so he didn't feel pain as much. It is exasperating, but I can only tell him so much that he needs to get up and move. Being tired is not a reason to not move around. The doctors and nurses at UIHC told him he needed to walk 3 to 4 times a day. Yesterday, he walked once.