Sunday, Aug. 16, was Day 96. Jim preached at First Federated Church in Lisbon for the third week in a row. Then we were told someone else would be coming Aug. 23 and it was unknown about Aug. 30. When we received a call from the church in July and again after the first service on Aug. 2 when we met with the pulpit committee, we were only told to let them know if we could not come.
Don't know what that is/was all about, but of course God does. Have to let Him control the reins and lead us in the way He would have us go.
So we called Ron at Wilton Baptist. Jim has preached there before, off and on, since last fall, and had called Ron in July letting him know he would be available to preach by August. Ron had called earlier in August asking, but by then, we were committed to First Federated. So we called him back, since we had August dates open. We were invited to come Aug. 30.
Thursday, Aug. 20, was Day 100. Today was a day of rest. Jim went to the pet store and got dizzy just getting out of the car. He spent most of the afternoon sleeping.
Wednesday, Aug. 26, was Day 106. Jim worked in earnest on his sermon for this coming Sunday. His message will be "Are you a FAT Christian?" FAT stands for Faithful, Available and Teachable. Scripture is from Hebrews 10:19-39.
Thursday, Aug. 27, was Day 107. Jim had an early morning appointment with his cardiologist, Dr. Li, at PCI. His blood pressure was 80/46 and his weight, 132.3 pounds. His weight seems to fluctuate within a pound every time he sees any doctor. Who knows what his real weight is. Also had an EKG. He told Dr. Li he wanted to get off Warfarin/Coumadin. Her recommended alternatives to being off the blood thinner was to monitor blood pressure and pulse rate daily.
Side effects Jim has from taking the Warfarin/Coumadin are dizziness and lower blood pressure. Dr. Li said it is rare for Coumadin to lower BP. She suggested drinking more water (60 ounces verses the 24 ounces he currently drinks - and that is more than he has ever drank!) or gatorade and increasing salt intake would help to raise his BP. She said the dizziness could possibly be prevented if he moved his legs up and down before walking.
We both believe the Coumadin is the primary cause of these problems. He didn't have dizziness before taking it and his blood pressure was usually in the 90s to 100s, never as low as 80 or less.
Dr. Li said we could get a second opinion. Jim told her no, it wasn't necessary, but when we talked later, he said he was going to looking into it down at UIHC in Iowa City. We are currently waiting for a return call on a referral.
Thursday evening, after I got off work, we had dinner with a friend, Joan. Jim took care of her husband, Bill, more than 8 years ago when he worked for St. Luke's Home Care / Hospice. It was a very enjoyable evening.
Saturday, Aug. 29, was Day 109. This morning when Jim woke up he complained of a sore throat. His voice has been deeper in the last couple days and apparently his throat was somewhat sore during the week, but this morning it was more bothersome. At first we thought he had developed a cold. But then I remembered his allergies were not just seasonal, but also mold and mildew (which is present indoors and outdoors) and we have been around mold much of this week.
Since he had to go to MedLabs to have blood drawn (he has to stop Coumadin today because he's having oral surgery on Monday), I suggested he also stop at Urgent Care in Hiawatha. The result of that visit indicated he didn't have a cold or strep throat, but allergies. Allergies that cause sore throats, as mold and mildew can. So he has two meds - Flonase nasal spray and a mouthwash that he says tastes awful. Worse than the hot tea (Throat Coat) with slippery elm, licorice, etc., with a teaspoon of honey in it that I gave him this morning. He says the Flonase appears to be helping.
Our prayers are for answers to the Coumadin issue, getting that second opinion, getting necessary rest, gaining weight and more strength in body and voice.
Don't know what that is/was all about, but of course God does. Have to let Him control the reins and lead us in the way He would have us go.
So we called Ron at Wilton Baptist. Jim has preached there before, off and on, since last fall, and had called Ron in July letting him know he would be available to preach by August. Ron had called earlier in August asking, but by then, we were committed to First Federated. So we called him back, since we had August dates open. We were invited to come Aug. 30.
Thursday, Aug. 20, was Day 100. Today was a day of rest. Jim went to the pet store and got dizzy just getting out of the car. He spent most of the afternoon sleeping.
Wednesday, Aug. 26, was Day 106. Jim worked in earnest on his sermon for this coming Sunday. His message will be "Are you a FAT Christian?" FAT stands for Faithful, Available and Teachable. Scripture is from Hebrews 10:19-39.
Thursday, Aug. 27, was Day 107. Jim had an early morning appointment with his cardiologist, Dr. Li, at PCI. His blood pressure was 80/46 and his weight, 132.3 pounds. His weight seems to fluctuate within a pound every time he sees any doctor. Who knows what his real weight is. Also had an EKG. He told Dr. Li he wanted to get off Warfarin/Coumadin. Her recommended alternatives to being off the blood thinner was to monitor blood pressure and pulse rate daily.
Side effects Jim has from taking the Warfarin/Coumadin are dizziness and lower blood pressure. Dr. Li said it is rare for Coumadin to lower BP. She suggested drinking more water (60 ounces verses the 24 ounces he currently drinks - and that is more than he has ever drank!) or gatorade and increasing salt intake would help to raise his BP. She said the dizziness could possibly be prevented if he moved his legs up and down before walking.
We both believe the Coumadin is the primary cause of these problems. He didn't have dizziness before taking it and his blood pressure was usually in the 90s to 100s, never as low as 80 or less.
Dr. Li said we could get a second opinion. Jim told her no, it wasn't necessary, but when we talked later, he said he was going to looking into it down at UIHC in Iowa City. We are currently waiting for a return call on a referral.
Thursday evening, after I got off work, we had dinner with a friend, Joan. Jim took care of her husband, Bill, more than 8 years ago when he worked for St. Luke's Home Care / Hospice. It was a very enjoyable evening.
Saturday, Aug. 29, was Day 109. This morning when Jim woke up he complained of a sore throat. His voice has been deeper in the last couple days and apparently his throat was somewhat sore during the week, but this morning it was more bothersome. At first we thought he had developed a cold. But then I remembered his allergies were not just seasonal, but also mold and mildew (which is present indoors and outdoors) and we have been around mold much of this week.
Since he had to go to MedLabs to have blood drawn (he has to stop Coumadin today because he's having oral surgery on Monday), I suggested he also stop at Urgent Care in Hiawatha. The result of that visit indicated he didn't have a cold or strep throat, but allergies. Allergies that cause sore throats, as mold and mildew can. So he has two meds - Flonase nasal spray and a mouthwash that he says tastes awful. Worse than the hot tea (Throat Coat) with slippery elm, licorice, etc., with a teaspoon of honey in it that I gave him this morning. He says the Flonase appears to be helping.
Our prayers are for answers to the Coumadin issue, getting that second opinion, getting necessary rest, gaining weight and more strength in body and voice.