Hebrews 12:1-2a

"Let us lay aside every weight,
and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with Endurance
the race that is set before us,
looking unto Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith."
Hebrews 12:1-2a

Saturday, March 28, 2015

His Perfect Peace

Sometimes I think it futile for me to write. Afterall, it isn't really my race. It's Jim's. Yet, we are in this together, so the race is to some extent mine ... but we are not always at the same speed.

I like to write poetry ... God gives me the words to say, but not everyone likes to read poetry. Yet I continue to write. It is your choice. But if you read, may you be blessed.

The greatest blessing
The ultimate gift
The Promised One

God bestows,
gives to us,
His children,
sons and daughters
Christ Jesus
All Power
All Love
All Hope
and Joy
All Peace

Let it go
and Let God

"For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, 'fear not, I will help you.' "  ~ Isaiah 41:13

Fear Not
He is already there
where you will be
where you are now
He is always there
always will be
Fear Not
You have
your Lord
your Savior
with you
every step
He knows
your need
He has you covered
in the palm of His hand
Within the shelter
of His Wings
He will protect you
from all that comes
against you
He is the the Mighty King

No, do not fear
do not worry
do not consume yourself
with anxiety
Come to Jesus
Rest in His promises

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."                  ~ II Timothy 1:7

"I am with you always, even to the end of the age." ~ Matthew 28:20

Bring your every request,
your every concern
to the Father
Nothing is too small
If it be important
If it matters
to you
it is important
and it does matter
to the Master

Come unto Jesus
Be comforted,
Be reassured
Rest in the promises
of His Love,
His Peace

His Peace

Satan punctures us
with doubt
and fear,
diving into us
over and over again

Let it not be

and Let God

hold your gaze steady
stay constant
mindful only of
The Lord Jesus Christ
The gift

The ultimate gift
The greatest blessing
to receive --

His Perfect Peace.

"you will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you. Because he trusts in you." 
~ Isaiah 26:3

The other day I found the following on a friend's blog and thought it worth sharing with any and all who are struggling with health issues and the uncertainty of what lies beyond the next bend.

It is titled "What Cancer Cannot Do" and the author is anonymous.

Cancer is so limited ...

It cannot cripple love,
It cannot shatter hope,
It cannot corrode faith,
It cannot eat away at peace
It cannot destroy our confidence,
It cannot kill friendship,
It cannot shut out memories,
It cannot invade the soul,
It cannot reduce eternal life,
It cannot quench the spirit,
It cannot lessen the power of the Resurrection.