How the days fly by ... 115 days now since Jim's cancer surgery. He is getting stronger and he does not have as many dizzy spells. Perhaps the Coumadin is more agreeable to his system - he has been taking it for nearly 4 months. But of course he still has the lower than normal blood pressure. We have not yet heard from UIHC re: seeing a cardiologist there for a second opinion.
Tuesday, Sept. 1, was a tiring day - probably all those pain pills he took following oral surgery - so he slept, and when he wasn't sleeping, he worked on his sermon.
Wednesday, Sept. 2, was the first night for Awana at church and they were offering a group for grandson Austin's age group - Cubbies. We were hoping to take him, however, a few things prevented that ....
One, my sister, Helen's mother-in-law, Lorraine Snell, passed away on Sunday, and we decided to go to the visitation Wednesday after I got off work.
Two, I had a sore on my right hip area that opened during the day. So after visitation, we went to Urgent Care in Marion. The doctor diagnosed it as a yeast infection, possibly a result of the antibiotics I have been on since Aug. 27 (for digestive issues) and the heat. I have a cream to use twice a day. After the first day, I noticed improvement. But just because it is better doesn't mean I'm to stop taking it. (On a side note, re: the digestive concerns, my primary doctor is working on getting me an appointment with Dr. Gerke, the gastroenterologist at UIHC.)
Jim was really feeling better on Wednesday - he made meatloaf, mashed potatoes and veggies and homemade rolls (partially using the bread machine) for supper that night.
Jim will be preaching this Sunday at Wilton Baptist. He has prepared a Labor Day message, "Laborers for Christ," taken from Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 and I Corinthians 3:8-10. Communion will follow.
We are planning a 3-day trip to Northeast Missouri Sept. 12-14, but it may have to be postponed. We'll find out on Thursday, Sept. 10. A co-worker's mother-in-law is having a procedure done in Indiana that day to shock her heart back into rhythm. She has a heart condition and also cancer, and the cardiologist apparently won't allow the surgeon to operate until her heart is stable.
Prayers for that situation and for Jim and of course, probably me too, are very much appreciated.
Tuesday, Sept. 1, was a tiring day - probably all those pain pills he took following oral surgery - so he slept, and when he wasn't sleeping, he worked on his sermon.
Wednesday, Sept. 2, was the first night for Awana at church and they were offering a group for grandson Austin's age group - Cubbies. We were hoping to take him, however, a few things prevented that ....
One, my sister, Helen's mother-in-law, Lorraine Snell, passed away on Sunday, and we decided to go to the visitation Wednesday after I got off work.
Two, I had a sore on my right hip area that opened during the day. So after visitation, we went to Urgent Care in Marion. The doctor diagnosed it as a yeast infection, possibly a result of the antibiotics I have been on since Aug. 27 (for digestive issues) and the heat. I have a cream to use twice a day. After the first day, I noticed improvement. But just because it is better doesn't mean I'm to stop taking it. (On a side note, re: the digestive concerns, my primary doctor is working on getting me an appointment with Dr. Gerke, the gastroenterologist at UIHC.)
Jim was really feeling better on Wednesday - he made meatloaf, mashed potatoes and veggies and homemade rolls (partially using the bread machine) for supper that night.
Jim will be preaching this Sunday at Wilton Baptist. He has prepared a Labor Day message, "Laborers for Christ," taken from Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 and I Corinthians 3:8-10. Communion will follow.
We are planning a 3-day trip to Northeast Missouri Sept. 12-14, but it may have to be postponed. We'll find out on Thursday, Sept. 10. A co-worker's mother-in-law is having a procedure done in Indiana that day to shock her heart back into rhythm. She has a heart condition and also cancer, and the cardiologist apparently won't allow the surgeon to operate until her heart is stable.
Prayers for that situation and for Jim and of course, probably me too, are very much appreciated.