If we would but remember that, and keep our focus on Him and let Him take over, then we wouldn't get dismayed every time things got tough. But. we don't remember, we don't keep our focus on Him, we don't allow Him to take control all the time and we certainly do get dismayed.
Yet He hears the prayers of His children. And He answers .... it is in His own good time and sometimes the answer is Yes, sometimes No, sometimes Maybe or Perhaps or Later. Whenever and whatever He answers, it always will be for His purpose, always for us to learn to trust Him more, and always to His glory.
This week has been a long one. Eight nights, 7 days, 4 visits to the doctor, 2 different antibiotics. Concern, anxiety, with a leg very inflamed and lots of swelling and pain, and a diagnosis of cellulitis, gave way to more calmness as by Wednesday night, Jan. 11, it appeared the swelling was decreasing...the redness was lessening. There was still tenderness, but with Jim resting his leg by keeping it elevated as much as possible, God's healing power was evident.
Friday morning, Jan. 13, we visited Dr. Butler, and to say the least, he was very encouraged to see how well the leg was faring. During the day, Jim felt well enough to resume de-decorating the house of Christmas decorations and even sent the big Christmas tree packing down the basement stairs (also known as letting it slide).
The Scripture verse (Hebrews 12:1-2) we relied on during our journey with Jim's cancer during most of 2015 is a reminder the verse is for every day.
"Let us lay aside every weight, (every hindrance, every difficulty,) and the sin (unkind words, for instance) which so easily ensnares us, (captures us, locks us in,) and Let us run with endurance the race, (the journey, our life,) that is set before us, looking unto, (keeping our focus on,) Jesus, (only,) the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him - (the joy of our salvation) - endured, (dealt with patiently,) the cross, despising the shame, (the abuse done by others,) and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God (has returned to His rightful place of honor)."