Hebrews 12:1-2a

"Let us lay aside every weight,
and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with Endurance
the race that is set before us,
looking unto Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith."
Hebrews 12:1-2a

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Up and down - Day 144

Jim called at 7:30 a.m. His phone kept cutting out, so we didn't have a very clear connection. He called 3 times to finish one call.

He said another blood draw was taken a couple hours after the transfusion was complete - that must have been around midnight. At that time it was 9.2. But when it was checked again a few hours later, it was back down to 7.  Based on those readings, there is internal bleeding somewhere - we need to figure out where and stop it.

He is waiting for doctors to come in.

My thoughts:

Do not do
the natural thing
Do not
let your feelings
define you

Trust in the Lord
He who will lift you up
up above
the difficulties
you fight to conquer

Be thankful
for what you have
for where you are

Follow His lead
Do not run ahead
He gives us
what we can handle - not more,
although we tend to disagree,
- and not less
He knows what we can do
with His guidance

It is His guidance
we need to rely on,
not our own
We will falter
every time
if we look
to ourselves
for the answer

"His blood will purify our consciences from useless rituals, so that we serve the living God." ~ Hebrews 9:14b

Is it perhaps uselessness
on our part
when we do
what we think we must

Perhaps God is trying to show us
something different
and we just don't see it

He gives us rest
He instructs us to rest

We think we have no time
We have much to accomplish

So He brings about
a situation

God wants us to recuperate
to rest
to look to Him
and not everywhere else

He gives us opportunities
to serve,
but not to go overboard

Look to Him
Seek Him
with your questions
and wait for His answers

Don't fall down
and fail to look up!
(c) Cathy Orrick Luders

It's 10 a.m. and Jim called. Hemoglobin just checked again and is now 8.8. A good sign. He is to be moved to a regular room and have something to eat. Hemoglobin will continue to be checked throughout the day. If it is stable, we are moving in the right direction.

1:05 p.m. - Jim has been moved to a regular room - he is on the 6th floor - Room 6058 - Bed 1. Phone number is (319) 353-9711. If you visit, take Elevator D.

Jim called at 4:15 p.m. He was having jello and lemon ice, which made him cold, so he had more blankets piled on. He's planning on having chicken broth for supper. He said the doctors want to see how he tolerates food - liquid, soft and regular diet, and of course, he has to have a regular bowel movement. There have been no further checks of hemoglobin throughout the day because there are no signs indicating it necessary. He has had no shortness of breath and for the first time since forever, was able to stand without dizziness.  He said they may do a hemoglobin re-check yet today or tomorrow and they may do another scope.  It appears the bleeding was a result of the ulcer and nowhere else. The doctors are looking at a likely Monday release date. Hallalujah!

I made it down to see him by 7:40 p.m. It was a busy day workwise and after work, had lots of calls on the landline and the cell phone from folks who wanted to know how things were going. His BP was checked shortly after 8 and it was 106/57. He continues to be able to get up without dizziness. The hemoglobin will be rechecked in the morning. He is looking forward to going home on Monday. Pray that is God's plan as well as ours.