Hebrews 12:1-2a

"Let us lay aside every weight,
and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with Endurance
the race that is set before us,
looking unto Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith."
Hebrews 12:1-2a

Monday, May 11, 2015

The night before

Jim started his colonoscopy prep at 12:30 p.m. today. The effects of it hit him around 5 p.m., so staying close to the bathroom was most beneficial. I think he's cleaned out now. 

Before heading off to bed and a restful (??) sleep of few hours, he had to take a surgical shower using Hibiclens soap, which the hospital provided for him. It's supposed to prevent infections. Jim only read the instructions three times to make sure he got it right. 

The surgery is definitely major, but the shower instructions brought some laughter ...

Use a clean wash cloth and clean towel each time he showered - tonight and also in the morning when he gets up at the bright and early hour of 4 a.m. Tonight, in addition to clean underwear, he needed clean pajamas.  

Remove all body-piercing jewelry ... I don't think he has any.

Our friend Jani spent the night. We decided it was better if we all wake up at the same time in the same house than get up earlier and drive to her house  and discover maybe she wasn't awake yet. That happened several years ago for another surgery Jim had. 

Off to bed now. Morning will come way too soon. 

The opportunity is here

Do not resist
Do not run
from pain-filled days
that enter
and stay for a time

Do not rely
on yourself
your reasonings

Come to the Lord God
who sees all
hears all
understands all
trudges beside you
before you
behind you
in all days
of uncertainty

You ask
seek opportunities
to serve
Do we know ...

How can it be
the problem
the burden
the trial
the difficulty
the stress
is an opportunity
to show another
the way
of Jesus

We asked
We said
we would go
we wanted to serve

The opportunity is here

The door opens
and we step in
a choice made
to rely on
for the strength
desperately needed

He is our everything
in the midst of
every thing
that comes

Every situation, circumstance
can make us stronger
when the way we travel
is the way
He instructs us

Our human emotions
make us crumble
but it is still
to the Lord
we look
for stability
and security

Oh how we need Jesus

There is nothing to be gained
without Him
We are lost,

We look to Him
for hope
with hope
in Hope
and we pray
the opportunity
that is here
He will bring us
safely through