Hebrews 12:1-2a

"Let us lay aside every weight,
and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with Endurance
the race that is set before us,
looking unto Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith."
Hebrews 12:1-2a

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Recovery At Home - Day 19

Today is the second day we had uninterrupted sleep, 10:30 p.m. to 5 a.m. Thank you Lord for needed rest.

Our prayers this morning include these requests --

  • pain lessen or disappear in area of J-tube (feeding tube) attached to stomach
  • less water drips when flushing meds through the tube. Thankfully, it is only the water that is causing problems. Not the meds themselves
  • receive paper prescription for more pain medicine before meds run out
  • supply of stool softener lasts to June 13 when insurance will pay for refill or Jim has less need of it.
On Tuesday, June 2, Jim will have his first drink by mouth and that will be grape juice. He will drink up to 4 ounces, I believe, through the day. We are to watch his neck incision - that it does not leak. If it does, we need to call UIHC immediately. Otherwise, if no leakage, he can start drinking clear liquids for a few days and then advance to all liquids.

On Wednesday, June 3, or possibly on the 2nd if it works better, he needs another chest x-ray to see if air bubbles around the lungs have disappeared or at the very least, decreased. He will have this done here in Cedar Rapids at St. Luke's Hospital.

Jim's sister, Dianne, is coming for a visit Tuesday afternoon. 

Today's Scripture readings: 

"May the Lord of Peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord be with you all." ~ 2 Thessalonians 3:16 

"Now acquaint yourself with Him, and be at peace, thereby good will come to you. Receive, please, instruction from His mouth, and lay up His words in your heart." ~ Job 22:21-22

I write:

We search and search
round and round
considering every angle
of where to go
what to do
how to make it happen
endless thinking
where does it get us
have we achieved
what we set out to do
or do we continue to search
for that which
lies within
our grasp
within our hearts
His Peace
His Presence
His Love
Come to Him
Get off the merry-go-round
Let the Lord God lift you
up and off
and show you
how you can
The Way
The Truth
The Life
of His Son,
Jesus Christ
who was sent
to be our personal
Lord and Savior.
Stop spinning
Reach up, reach out
Take His offered hand
and be lifted up
into His Mighty Presence.
Be obedient to His teachings
Find His Peace
within His Loving Embrace. 

(c) CMOL

We had a nice visit with Rocky, Christina and Austin after I finished Gazette work at 5:30. Rocky, Christina and Jim sat on the patio and visited, while Austin and his grandma Cathy played and ran around the yard. We both got our exercise.

Jim asked me to call UIHC about the area around the J-tube being so uncomfortable, so I did. I mentioned last Thursday when he had the drains and sutures removed, he was given DuoDerm tape, which is softer, to hopefully alleviate some of the intense pressure. But it has not. The Thoracic Fellow On-Call suggested we come down Monday and they would work us in. So after our 10 o'clock appointment in Solon, we'll head to Iowa City.  

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Recovery At Home - Day 18

Praise the Lord! Jim and I both slept 7 hours straight through, from 10:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m., when he needed pain meds.

Fed-Ex delivered the Amiodorne liquid at 9 a.m., so now we have enough Afib meds to last through the weekend and into the following week.

Devotional thought from the Scriptures:

"As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving."
~ Colossians 2:6-7

"Make me understand the way of Your precepts, so shall I meditate on Your wonderful works." ~ Psalm 119:27

"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him." ~ 2 Chronicles 16: 9

I write:

His Presence
we have
within us
as believers
within our hearts
but if we only
let that presence lie
without so much
as a how you do
we miss
ALL He is
ALL He can do
ALL He can be
in every aspect
of our lives.
If / When we
do not start the day
with His leading
nor end the day
with praise and thanksgiving,
the minutes and hours in between
are fruitless
God wants to equip us
for the day ahead,
but we need to come to Him,
into His Presence
to grow spiritually
in Him, with Him.

(c) CMOL 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Recovery At Home - Day 17

Today started out smooth enough, but by late morning I was frustrated with the lack of comprehension / communication between nursing personnel at various locations. It became somewhat straightened out by 4:30, but it has been a bear of a day!

Jim has reduced usage of the catheter again ... hope things continue so he doesn't have to revert back to it.

Jim's INR readings have climbed to 1.9, so we're back down to one 3 mg tab of coumadin for tonight, 1/2 tab for Saturday night and one tab for Sunday night, then have blood drawn again Monday morning.  That call came in at 4:30 from Jim's primary care doctor's nurse. We decided we'd stop at Medlabs on the way to our 10 o'clock appointment Monday morning. It seemed less of a hassle.

This morning I tried to set up transfer of UIHC pharmacy medications with CVS Pharmacy. That was nearly futile. You can't refill narcotic pain meds, you need a new prescription, so  Joan, the UIHC thoracic nurse coordinator, is mailing me a paper prescription to give to CVS. It might arrive on Monday.  The Amiodarone Suspension for Afib was compounded at UIHC pharmacy, and of couse, CVS doesn't do that kind of stuff, so the university pharmacy overnighted the liquid medication via Fed-Ex and it should arrive at our door before noon tomorrow. The Finasteride tablet, a stool softener, is the only medicine CVS can fill, and of course insurance won't pay for the refill until June 13.

I don't remember if I mentioned it previously, but on June 16, Jim will have a consultation with Morgan & Morio Oral Surgeons to have his lower left molar removed, and then set up date to have it accomplished.

Jimmy is resting in the recliner
after our walk tonight.
Jim has complained of being clammy. Apparently he mentioned this in the hospital too, but his vitals were fine, so appears nothing to be concerned about. It is weird him being hot ... he's always been cold. At the rate we're going, the air conditioning may come on sooner than later.

Jimmy hasn't been very communicative today. And even though he eventually he got around to telling me he felt blah, we still took a walk after work up the block to Old Marion Road, visited with neighbor Wendy and then the three (4 with her big puppy) of us walked back to our place. Sat on the patio awhile and noticed our peony bush "James Pillow" just beginning to bloom - 2 blooms. It frequently rains about the time all are blooming or are just about to, so we don't always get to see them in all their beauty.  I decided to take pictures.



Our neighbor, Bonnie, came over late afternoon and brought us a couple of stems
from her Chrystal Imperial rose bush. They are very fraqrant.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Recovery At Home - Day 16

It was a busy morning with appointments and then in the afternoon, I did Gazette work.

First we went to MedLabs for Jim to have blood drawn to check coumadin levels. Jane from Dr. Butler's office called in the afternoon - levels are going up, now at 1.3, but still not where desired. So he continues to take 6 mg nightly and have blood drawn again in the morning. The home health nurse is to come at 11 a.m. Friday to do that and check vitals.

Then we drove to UIHC for an 11 a.m. appointment and arrived at 10:30. His weight was checked -  143 pounds (148 with travel pack of  nutritional supplements - it weighs a whopping 5 pounds!); blood pressure and oxygen levels. All was good.

Then an EKG and chest x-ray, which showed an improvement, but still a bit of air outside the lungs was evident. There was some talk between doctors whether the pigtail drain should come out yet, but Jim's surgeon, Dr. Parekh, just happened to be  in the area, and he determined the drain could be removed. Jim was so relieved. That was the primary reason for the appointment and he wasn't particularly looking forward to going home with it still intact.

So, Jason Tcheng (pronounced Chang) a Fellow in cardiothoracic surgery and a member of Jim's surgery team, removed the drain. Jim said it wasn't near as painful as taking out the neck suture was - one long stitch, although it looked like 12 tiny ones. Jason took all the sutures out.

Jason is one of our favorite doctors. He will be leaving June 30 for Seattle, Wash., where he will  specialize in cardiothoracic surgery. He has has been a Fellow here for the past two years. His wife, Deborah, who has been living in Dallas, will join him.

The only tube remaining is the J-tube (feeding tube).

Another chest x-ray is scheduled for next week, but it will be done here in Cedar Rapids at St. Luke's. It will show if the air outside the lungs is continuing to decrease or doing something stupid.

On Tuesday, June 2, Jim may start clear liquids. First he takes a couple of sips of grape juice (up to 4 ounces) and watches his neck incision. If there is leakage, he must call UIHC immediately (pray for no leakage!); otherwise, he can start, in very small quantities, things like popsicles, chicken broth, etc.


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Recovery At Home - Day 15

Jim was up twice during the night and pain meds were given close to 4 a.m. At 7:30, he called the dentist re: jaw pain that started yesterday (see Day 14 post). The earliest he could get in is 2:40 this afternoon. Pray there is nothing major going on. I have no one to cover for me at The Gazette, so will just have to make do. Dr. McGrane, our dentist, called about 10:30 a.m. Appointment was rescheduled to noon.

My devotions this morning led me to Psalm 27:7-8 -

"Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice! Have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When you said, 'Seek My face,' my heart said to you, 'Your face, Lord, I will seek.' Do not hide Your face from me; Do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my help; Do not leave me nor forsake me, O God of my salvation." 

and Colossians 3:12-15a, 17 -

"...put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, bearing with one another, and forgiving one another ... above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts... and whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

and I wrote:

"Seek My face,"
the Lord said
and we,
remiss in previous days
our gaze
upon Him
asking for guidance,
in the day ahead
thanking and
praising Him
for the day passed

He does not hide
from us
nor are we hidden
from Him
but our awareness
of Him
is sometimes absent
in the circumstances
of the day upon us

He waits
for us
to come
into His Presence
He is patient with us.
We, in our waiting,
are impatient
and often fail
to see all He has
prepared for us
each and together
He is steadfast
showing us the way
through His love
to His peace.

(c) CMOL

Dental visit showed Jim has internal dying of a tooth (molar) and it needs to be pulled. The dentist will call the thoracic nurse coordinator at UIHC to further discuss. ... well, Jim has to visit the oral surgeon to have it pulled. Also, although medical people at UIHC instructed him not to brush his teeth, his dentist indicated otherwise - he said Jim could dry brush (without water) and to floss. Bacteria still gets in even if he's not eating or drinking.

The feeding pump is causing problems. We were all set to take travel pack, when a red light came on and pump said call tech. We called when we got back from the dentist at 12:30 p.m. No one can come out until between 2 and 3. Left message with UIHC thoracic nurse Joan requesting call back. Her return call calmed our concerns a bit. Said the extra tubing is more a convenience for us than anything else, and if necessary Jim can receive nutrition and meds direct to the tube that is attached to his stomach. She also said some patients have gone 3 to 4 hours without the feeding tube, so it is okay if Jim needs to do that too, but she wouldn't suggest it on a regular basis.

Bradley from UnityPoint Home Medical came shortly after 2 this afternoon. He didn't have to replace the pump. He gave us instructions that we didn't have before - we need to prime it every time we change bags, meaning every 24 hours.  The tubing to the bags were at fault and so the bags needed to be changed out. Once that was done, it appears, once again, everything is well.

Jim got his exercise today going up and down the basement steps - he washed a load of clothes. After I finished work, we went to CVS Pharmacy to pick up his meds and then to Fareway to buy food for me to eat. It was nice doing that together - he had some more exercise walking the grocery aisles and with his assistance, I found things to buy that weren't time consuming to make.

It has been a very busy day between doing Gazette work and providing cares for Jim.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Recovery At Home - Day 14

Not an eventful day so far. Jim woke at 1:30 and again at 2:30 to self-cath, but no pain until nearly 5:30 a.m., when I gave him pain meds. He took a shower. The home health nurse arrived at 11 a.m., visited, checked vitals, changed dressing for pigtail drain, drew blood, then left after 11:30 a.m. Her  name is Cassie .... nothing like the Cassie I know.

I called Joan, the thoracic nurse coordinator at UIHC early this morning. She will return the call sometime today to advise us of his appointment time on Thursday when the pigtail drain is to be removed.  Joan called around 4 and talked to Jim - I was in the middle of busy-busy Gazette work. Our appointment is at 11 a.m. Thursday.

Jim's left jaw has been hurting most of the day (and also hurts when he talks), although the pain is not so obvious with pain meds. He told his home health nurse, but she didn't think it was a big deal. I suggested he call the dentist ... needless to say, that suggestion went nowhere. Tonight he asked me to call the UIHC on-call thoracic fellow, who happened to be one of his doctors - Jason Chang, a nice young man. Jason didn't really have any ideas. He didn't know if it was in anyway connected with the surgery. He said he would pass on the info to Joan  and have her call Jim in the morning to see how he was doing.

Then I proceded to flush and give him his meds and of course, the pain meds refused to go through the tube. And we couldn't find the bag with extra syringes and declogging supplies in it that came with all the stuff from UnityPoint Home Medical. So, I put out a SOS on Facebook and we prayed, asking for the Lord's intervention. He came to our rescue. We realized, again, we had stepped away, momentarily, from our focus on Him. We can't do it alone. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Recovery At Home - Day 13

Memorial Day.

Jim slept 4 hours before waking to self-cath and an hour later at nearly 4, wanted pain medication. Soon after The Gazette was delivered at 4:15, we fell back asleep. Jim got up at 7 and I got up at 7:44 a.m. Probably the first time since May 12 that I slept in past 7.

Today's devotional Scriptures:
"Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God, I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."  (Isaiah 41:10)

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil."  (Proverbs 3: 5-7)

you know I AM
with you
but often I AM
You go about
your day
You plan and do
but I AM
not a part
of what you plan
nor what you do

I desire to be

Although I live
within your heart
and have so much
to share with you
and teach you
I AM but a silent partner
for you to recognize
to acknowledge
My Presence

we can do so much
but you suffer
from one problem
to another
not considering
how much lighter the load
if you would only
look unto Me

you need
I empower you
in the midst
of every trial.
(c) CMOL

Today has been a peaceful day. We haven't visited disagreement land too much and Jim hasn't had any mishaps either. We took 2 walks this afternoon. It seems like a vacation day to me - the first since taking paid time off from work and the last as well, since I plan to return to work (at home) tomorrow.  

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Recovery At Home - Day 12

Jim didn't sleep too well - he woke up at 1:30 and had to use the catheter. Then he was up again at 2:30 and woke me, asking for pain meds. We both got up for the day at 6:30 and he received another dose of pain meds at 7 a.m.

I wonder if the rainy weather has anything to do with the increased pain - maybe his arthritis is adding to his misery.

Today we are going to the 10:45 service at Immanuel. We'll use the travel pack for the feeding tube supplies and pump and also take a dose of pain meds with us in the event it is needed.

Had to make a call to UIHC on-call to talk to a thoracic doctor. Although there were no bubbles in the heimlich tube (whoopie cushion), Jim said the tube was dripping a little bit. Fortunately and thankfully, it didn't require a visit to Iowa City. The doctor said to just tape some gauze lightly over the bottom of the tube and change as needed. So we did that, and also changed the dressing on his pigtail drain.

Jim is dressed and resting before we move the feeding tube stuff to the travel pack. Hope to leave for church by 10 a.m.

We just got home and unloaded ... it's 12:33 p.m. It was a great worship service, albeit a tiring one for him. Kyle Dwyer was ordained a deacon and Jim participated in the laying on of hands.

He had a slight mishap when the Cooks came by for a visit at 1:30. Jim was in a deep sleep and when the doorbell rang, it startled him and he just moved to get up, without realizing he was attached to things. Hence, the IV pole fell over. Another fortunate, thankful moment that the feeding tube did not come out.

While the Cooks were here, we all took a short walk up the street, about a block round-trip.

Jim is back to using the catheter today. Don't know why. As soon as he's done, will get pain meds. He is also needing pain medication closer to every 4 hours now. Yesterday, he took them 14 hours apart. I'm wondering if resting in the recliner or bed more than taking walks made it so he didn't feel pain as much. It is exasperating, but I can only tell him so much that he needs to get up and move. Being tired is not a reason to not move around. The doctors and nurses at UIHC told him he needed to walk 3 to 4 times a day. Yesterday, he walked once.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Recovery At Home - Day 11

Jim has not had to use the catheter twice now, since early this morning. That's a good sign. We got up at 7 a.m. and he took a shower, which took a lot out of him. The home health nurse was to be here at 8:30, but she hasn't shown up yet. Just arrived - 8:45. She will change the dressing on the pigtail drain and then we have some questions re: flushing water through on the feeding tube. It doesn't appear it is doing it automatically.

Today's devotional verses and the poem I wrote follows:

"...that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." (Colossians 2:2-3)

"Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times, and the strength of salvation; the fear of the Lord is His treasure." (Isaiah 33:6)

Hidden Treasures
to be found
in His word
through His followers
other Christians
friends and acquaintances
sharing His love
with you and me

in places
we often do not consider
to us
in His Perfect time

His timing
is always perfect
reminding us
we can have
every plan
but for it to come to fruition,
for our plans to be God's purpose
we must let go
relinguish our control
and let God
have His way

It is in His way
we truly see the way
which becomes our way

We are One
He and I
You and Him
(c) CMOL

Well, Jim had a bowel movement early afternoon so we don't need any Milk of Magnesium. The water is flushing through on the feeding tube pump as well. We actually heard late this afternoon.

Now if we could just catch up on needed sleep and not end up in the land of grumpies.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Recovery At Home - Day 10

Jimmy was so glad to get home last night, sitting in his own recliner and being in his own bed. He slept much better and the pain meds given at 10:15 last night lasted until 9 this morning.

The Home Health nurse came at 8:45 a.m. to draw blood and do vitals.

It is a process to crush necessary meds and make sure they are dissolved in water and then adding the correct amount of the liquid meds. I have to make a chart so we'll know when to take what and to have an accurate reading of when he takes pain meds. Every 12 to 14 hours we change out the bags that hold the nutrition he receives via a J-Tube. That too is a process that will only get better as we do it. Between the meds and the nutrition, we do it in tandem - Jim operates the on/off valve and I do the rest.  It works ... most of the time. Sometimes we forget things.

It is now 10:20 a.m. and he is shaving and getting cleaned up for the day. He is looking forward to seeing his grandson, Austin.

We've had visits from Rocky, Christina and Austin and two neighbors, Doran, next door, and Bonnie, across the street.

We drove down to CVS Pharmacy, where Jim got some walking in and bought necessary supplies for changing the dressing on his pigtail drain and for using the catheter.

We attempted a 2-hour nap, probably got almost 1 1/2 hours, in between phone calls from 3 different people, two of which were useful - his sister and the home health nurse, and one not so much. The strain of the past 9 days and little sleep got the best of us.

For the second day in a row, Jim has complained of dizziness after taking his evening meds. We called the on-call thoracic Fellow at UIHC. He thought it could be because Jim hasn't had a bowel movement since the second day he was on the feeding tube and suggested he add Milk of Magnesium to the mix. He also suggested that Jim not get up so fast after taking it. So that's what we'll try on Saturday.

The ultimate challenge is to keep fixing your eyes on the Lord no matter what is going on around you.

Accept what you are faced with
and seek God's way
to guide you
through the dark corridors

Do not withdraw your focus
from the Lord God Almighty
and travel down the back streets
and alleys that bring

He will take you places
beyond your wildest dreams
and imagination
He walks with you
runs beside you
covers you
encircles you
embraces you

Wherever you are
thank Hm
for who He is
what He has done,
what He will do
where He has gone
when and how He shows you

Rejoice in His great love
for you
all because of His precious Son,
Expect Him to be your guide
to show you what you are capable of
and what He has enabled you to do
Look to Him in every situation
and wait.

It is in His time we find
what He has for us
and it is in waiting
and being acutely aware
of His Presence
that our fears
and we are blessed
with His loving Peace.
(c) CMOL

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Recovery - Day 9

Jim had a chest x-ray this morning. One of his doctors said maybe the pigtail drain could come out later.

Our bunny, Bandy, is up to no good. Looks for any good wood to sink his teeth into. He misses his daddy. He wants him home. The sentiments of many.

I remember the Scripture from yesterday - "But O my soul, don't be discouraged. Don't be upset; Expect God to act! For I know that I shall again have plenty of reason to praise Him for all that He will do. He is my help! He is my God!" (Psalm 42:11 TLB)

and from today - "Therefore I will look to the Lord, I will wait for the God of my salvation; My God will hear me." (Micah 7:7 NKJV)

and I write.

Abundant life
Abundant living
To have all
that He offers
we must rely solely
on Him

Our thoughts
either bring us closer to His
or take us further away
down paths of selfishness

I will look to the Lord
I will wait
He will hear me
He will do
the Right Thing
at the Right Time
Not too soon
Never too late

Keep looking
Keep waiting
Keep the lines of communication
coming and going
Keep the door open
to Him
who gives us
Abundant Living.

Even in the midst of suffering
He is our safety net.
Our all in all

Do not enter the door
that leads nowhere
the door of stagnant living

Focus on the Lord
and He will guide you
along the Best Path always.
(c) CMOL

Jim had blood work this morning. Also chest x-ray of front and side view of chest at 5 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

A tube with a "whoopie cushion" in it is attached to the pigtail drain that will alert Jim if he is leaking air. Blood will be drawn every day for now because of the coumadin.

The scuttlebutt is that Jim is going home today. We have heard it from the social worker and his nurse, Sonya. At 2:15 p.m. one of his doctors, Jason Chang, came in and said it is true. He heard it from Dr. Parekh -- Jim is going home today.  Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

The pigtail drain remains in and is to be removed (as well as the whoopie cushion gizmo) next Thursday, May 28. We have to call Dr. Parekh's office on Tuesday and set up a time.

We left UIHC at 6:33 p.m. and got home at 7:15 p.m. Kayla, a visiting nurse from UnityPoint, came at 7:30 and left shortly before 9 p.m. He has enough nutritional drink to last 12 hours or slightly longer, so between 8 and 9 a.m. Friday, I'll be changing out the old with a new supply of Osmolite 1.2.  By 10:15 p.m. I had crushed all his night pills (3 total), mixed them with his liquid meds, and between Jim and I, we managed to do all the required steps to get them into his feeding tube heading to his tummy.

It is now 11 p.m. - he's in bed and I'm updating this blog.

So, that's all for tonight folks.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Recovery - Day 8

It still looks like the plan is for Jim to be released today, however, we do not have a definite yes. We have a NO. Not Today. Not Yet. Jim called at 11:17 this morning as I was enroute to Iowa City to tell me the sobering news.

A front and chest x-ray was done and apparently some fluid was found - my guess at the site where the chest tube had been. They  had it clamped yesterday and then removed it at 2:30 p.m. The doctors are talking about putting a drain in.

His heart is still in rhythm. Yeah!

He will also have an echocardiogram this morning.

A verse my friend Lorraine sent me ... what a great verse, I don't remember seeing this before. I think it is because of the translation/version. In the New King James Version it reads different. I like how it reads here.

Psalm 42:11 (TLB): "But, O my soul, don't be discouraged. Don't be upset. Expect God to act! For I know that I shall again have plenty of reason to praise him for all that he will do. He is my help! He is my God!" 

Our hope for Jim to be released today remains in God's control. No matter how much we would like him home, God knows he needs to stay in the hospital for now.

The chest x-ray shows bubbles in his lungs, so a pigtail drain will be put in where the chest tube had been. So once the doctor is out of big-time surgery, he will do little-time surgery on Jim in his bed in his room. I think I will be absent during that period.

As for his heart, although for the most part it is staying in rhythm, it will at times go out and in and out again. The doctors are concerned of clotting elsewhere in the body or of stroke. So they are considering some type of blood thinner - they have two thoughts .. coumadin or lovenox injection which Jim could give himself.

We don't yet know the results of the echocardiogram.

He did get to take a shower today. First time in over a week. So if you consider visiting, he's clean.

The bedside surgery took place at 2 p.m. The drain was not put in the same place where the chest tube (his right side) had been, but on the front, closer to ride side of neck. At 6:30 p.m. he was given heparin and at bedtime will get the blood thinner coumadin. The doctors say surgery patients get coumadin vs other types of blood thinners. They also seem to think use of the blood thinner is not permanent - that as Jim heals, at some point he will be taken off of it. I pray that is so.

The doctor (Jason Chang, a Fellow with Dr. Parekh) who did the bedside surgery, said they want to see how the drain and the coumadin do for a couple days, so Friday would be the earliest that he might go home.

When Jim told him our plans for going to Northeast Missouri (LaGrange/Hannibal area) over Memorial Day, he suggested we not stray too far from the metro area.  So we will be staying local, whether in our home (which would be first choice) or the hospital.

We've started watching movies in the afternoon/evening. Today it was "The Jersey Boys."

I'm sure I'm doing my part in keeping the service stations in business. Three times this week I've filled the tank.

If you're hard up for something to do, come see us wherever we are. You are most welcome.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Recovery - Day 7

Today it has been a week since Jim's surgery. Today, already before 7 a.m., he has had blood work, an EKG, x-ray, bladder scanned and catheterized. He doubts today will be the day to go home, but says things could change. His heart, which stayed in rhythm for 24 hours, went back into Afib. The doctors are concerned about this and are trying to figure out why. The chest tube remains too wet, etc., etc.

I actually arrived in time to see his doctors. Dr. Parekh said they may replace the chest tube with a smaller one, something called a pigtail (I call pigtails something else and it has nothing to do with tubes). His heart is back in rhythm without being on heart medicine. One of the heart doctors came in and visited with us. They are monitoring his heart today. Jim had another chest x-ray at noon. We haven't heard the results of that yet.  One IV was taken out.

He is more tired today. His roommate had a rough night, which made for little sleep.

Dr. Parekh said it is a definite maybe re: going home on Wednesday. I see that as more positive than the tentative maybe since Sunday.

Jim and I talked about letting God direct our steps. We have all these plans, and I have come to realize in the last few days that neither one of us has been very good at letting God guide our steps. We've been doing the planning and the directing, and along with that, we have succeeded in failing to be all He desires of us. We have a different plan today, one that is more His desire than ours.  I know and Jim knows, once we reminded ourselves, the more of our focus that is on the Lord, the more of His peace we will have.

Jim's chest tube was removed this afternoon. The chest x-ray looks great. Two doctors and a nurse have spoken of the likelihood of him going home tomorrow. This is the most promising it has been since Sunday. His heart is still in rhythm. Thank God and thank you!

Seek peace
pursue peace
Stay aware
of His Presence
go where He directs you
Be still  and listen
Do not follow the sound
of your own thoughts
Unless it is the Lord you hear
and respond to,
you are hearing only Noise ....
worldy noise
(c) CMOL

Monday, May 18, 2015

Recovery - Day 6

Jim called shortly after 7 this morning. He already had blood work drawn and another x-ray of his right side and back.

He said he woke at 3 a.m. with a full bladder, but couldn't release it on his own. Please pray he can accomplish this before going home. It is not a requirement to go home, but would definitely make things easier at this end if he didn't have to deal with a catheter.

Today's devotional led me to Isaiah 55:8-9, which reads: "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." 

We are challenged continually to trust the Lord and search for His way throughout each day.

An email received from my friend Lorraine brought more Scripture from the prophet Isaiah (43:5) - "Do not be afraid, for I am with you!" 

Do not be afraid
Do not be anxious
Do not be disappointed
Do not be frustrated
Do not be distressed.
I AM with you!

He, the almight God
Is with me!
and with Jimmy!
to help us
to comfort us
to sanctify us
to save us
He is with us
as a kind, benignant Father
He is with us
in every place, every trouble, every conflict
He is with us
through our journey and for evermore
He is with us
through our sicknesses
He is with us
to hold communion
He is with us
to listen to our sighs
to number our tears
to secure us from all injury

Appearances may be very dark; the night may seem very long; and your pains, weakness, and fears may be many and great. Still, if the Lord is with you, you may sing,

 "Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty--yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!" (Habakkuk 3:17-18)

We are thankful the Lord has blessed us with so many friends and loved ones.

Jim called me around 10 and said he would not be going home today. Still waiting for the chest tube to be drier.

Because of many errands I had to run this morning, I didn't arrive at Jim's side until later.  Dr. Parekh (his surgeon) said the chest tube might come out tonight. A swallow study with barium will be done at 1 p.m. in X-ray. It will show how well the sutures are holding and if there is any leakage. Pray there is no leakage. 

The final pathology report indicates all is fine. There is NO CANCER. Praise God!

Later this afternoon, I learned results from Jim's swallow study were just fine -- the sutures are holding, meaning there is no leakage.

The challenges to seek the Lord's way throughout this day instead of our own way I'm sure brought disappointment to Him. I'm sure grateful He continues to love us and gives both of us each second and third and fourth chances and more to be His greatest desire for us.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Recovery - Day 5

Today is Sunday. Because I hadn't heard from Jim at the usual hour I called him at 7:15 a.m. and learned he was heading down to X-ray. He said he slept well until 5 a.m., when he woke up in pain. Because his pain meds now come through the J-tube, he had to request a pain injection. I imagine it couldn't come fast enough.

He called back at 8 a.m. and said the techs x-rayed his right side and back. The doctor will look at the x-rays and then determine whether Jim is going home this afternoon or staying another day. He might have some answers by 10 a.m.

I am going to 10:45 a.m. worship service at Immanuel.

We now have a bed wedge thanks to special friends who loaned us theirs.

Talked to Jim at 12:15 p.m. - he is not going home today.
He might on Monday.

When Dr. Yerkes (spelling?) came in at 3 p.m. to remove the neck tube, he said the chest tube needs to dry up more before it can be taken out. Currently about 10 ccs of blood has drained in the last 8 hours. So that is good. No complications, no infections, just still wet.

The catheter also has been removed, but he hasn't had the urge to go, so we remain in a waiting game there too.

He is off the heart medicine to see how his Afib cooperates.

We also learned we are waiting for the final pathology report, which may come tomorrow. Pathologists don't work weekends.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Recovery - Day 4

Jim had a better night of sleeping. Another x-ray of his stomach was taken and sometime during the night he finished the container of nutrition, nicknamed "chocolate milk." He is now on 60 milliliters per hour - that is where it will stay until he discontinues it.

He is constantly complaining of being tired. Even though everyone says how good his color is, he frequently asks why he doesn't feel as good as he looks. One of the surgeons who assisted with a lung transplant yesterday stopped in to see Jim this morning and told him his procedure is right up there with open-heart surgery. So he's tired because of the type of surgery and also because of the pain medication - type and frequency.

Bandy Andy Bear (the bunny) is eating. He hasn't been eating for a couple of weeks because of concern for his daddy.

Jim just called (again) at 10:15 a.m. He said the pain meds coming via IV have been discontinued and he was given an injection through his feeding tube (J-tube). This is how he will receive his pain medication going forward and I will be instructed on how to do this for him.

I brought the over-the-bed table up from the basement. Jim wanted me to find the bed wedge he thought we still had, but I haven't been successful so far. May need to buy a new one, an inexpensive new one, unless someone has one they are not using that we can borrow.

Blake from UnityPoint Home Medical arrived at 11 a.m. He brought 8-plus cases of Osmolite 1.2 high-protein nutrition, an IV-pole, a travel pack for church and other nearby outings, plastic bags for the nutrition and for water to flush, plus the pump. And of course lots of paperwork to sign. I sure hope Blue Cross picks up the tab, since the total comes in at $1406 -- $630 alone just for the nutrition every month.

It was 2 p.m. before I arrived at UIHC. Very quiet on the floor. I learned how to inject the pain medicine into his J-tube. Jim and I did it in tandem - he operated the on-off valve and I did the flushing and medicine delivery. The nurse said Jim could even do it himself if necessary. That's useful information for when I have an appointment.

Jim walked twice today, further distances, and walked me to the elevator when I left for the day. We look for ways to bring some normalcy to our time together.

Today was a frustrating day for me. I didn't sleep well and woke up with a painful left ankle, hip and wrist. I misplaced my wrist brace.

I wrote a poem (see below) that I didn't do well at living up to. I wasn't focusing on the Lord, but on every little thing that only added bumps to my road. It was not a smooth day.

Here's the poem:

Whatever the plan
it never permanent
only possibly
a tentative plan

We do not know
what God has
in mind
for our day

Stay where you are
the task at hand
to do
before other things
you think need
to be done

You have much
on your mind
focus on My Presence
let all else
fade away


Step by step
moment by moment
He will guide
our movement

He is our Lord and Savior
Be one
with God
not separated
alone to self
but together
with God alone.

(c) May 16, 2015

I am unsure of my capabilities, unsure how much I can handle, unsure how I can balance work and caring for Jim, unsure I will do it well or even good enough.

Friday, May 15, 2015

New room, new phone no.

Another man needed Jim's room because of an infection, so late this morning, Jim was moved from Room 59 to Room 69. His new phone number is (319) 353-9304.

Recovery - Day 3

Jimmy is feeling better. He called shortly before 7 this morning, 30 seconds after I woke up. He slept better. They gave him benedryl through the IV which helped him sleep through the night and with his allergies.

The x-ray with dye contrast of his stomach indicated he was good to go forward with the tube feedings, so that will start this afternoon.

Tube feedings began a bit earlier - at 9:30 a.m. The nutritional drink - looks like chocolate milk - comes in a plastic carton that hangs upside down on the pole by his bed/chair. He gets 25 milliliters per hour.

He moved into a new room because someone needed a private room due to an infection. So he is around the corner to the left, sharing a room. He says he likes the new room better; he can sit by the window and have the picture of himself and Austin sitting on the shelf.

He has taken 2 walks so far today. He has to be up and out on the road (the floor) 4 times today.

After he got to his new room and was situated, he put in his contacts and hearing aids.

Dietician came at 2 p.m. and we discussed what types of foods/drinks Jim could have at the various stages - clear liquids, all liquids and soft mushy.

We are frustrated with our dealings with UnityPoint Home Medical. It has been an all-day process to get anywhere. The whole point of going with them was Jim's 22 years of service with Home Medical and Hospice. It seems like they aren't  interested nor cordial in working with the patient/customer.   When Jim used to work with them (he left there in 2011-12), on-call was 24 hours; now it seems considerably less than that. So many hoops to jump through. We managed to get it set up for the on-call guy to come to our house at 11 a.m. Saturday to deliver and set up the pole and/or travel backpack, the nutritional supplies and pump, give brief instructions  and have me sign insurance papers. A family member or power of attorney has to be present - no neighbors.

Melissa, the nurse practitioner, came by to visit about how things are going and how things need to continue to progress for Jim's release on Sunday afternoon.

There were bubbles in his chest tube on Day 1 and also last night, but none today. Something to do with a chance of collapsed lung, so they watch that carefully.

Since he can't take flomax for his enlarged prostate, he has been given proscar (spellling questionable) through the J-tube. The foley catheter probably will not come out until Sunday. It is hoped Jim can go by himself, but if not, the foley will either need to be re-inserted or he'll have to do a straight cath. Neither one is exciting to think about. Have to see what tonight to Saturday and all day Saturday bring. It could be he wouldn't be released until Monday.

Physical Therapy stopped by while I was in the visitor's lounge updating this. Jim doesn't need any additional PT. We thought maybe it wise to check it out, especially with the steps into the house.  But things are okay there and he has now taken his 3rd walk today.

The medicine Jim was taking for Afib was discontinued during the day to see how he would do, but numbers went up again, so at 5 p.m., he was back to taking abuterol (spelling?) I think.

He had two visitors today -- Pastor Dan this morning and Bob and Lorraine Kappmeyer this evening.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Recovery - Day 2

At the 7 a.m. call I learned Jim had a not-so fun night. His blood pressure was really high and pulse was racing. He had an EKG. He said he has Afib as a result of the surgery - the doctors apparently told him it was common with this type of surgery and would go away. He is on medicine right now, but won't be lifelong, like I am.

At 10 a.m., he had a test with dye contrast. Results indicated things were good.

Most of the day was spent napping - even he and I managed a one-hour cuddle nap, then he took a walk down to the exit sign and back. His longtime friend, Joel Russell, returned for another visit and they reminisced more about HLG Days. Jeremy Hudson, one of the chaplains here, also came up with Joel to visit. Jeremy was a chaplain at St. Luke's Hospice when Jim was a hospice aide there.

The nutrition for the tube feedings will be delivered at our home by UnityPoint Home Medical Saturday afternoon.

An x-ray of the stomach is scheduled Friday morning. If results are good there as well, tube feedings will commence Friday afternoon.

The goal is still to go home Sunday afternoon and if that indeed happens, someone from UnityPoint Home Health will meet us at home to bring the feeding pump and instructions.

The Post-Esophagectomy Surgery Eating Protocol has changed a few times. The one below appears to be the one we're going to follow.

Post-Op Day 15-17 (May 27-29)
In addition to continuous J-tube feedings, he starts with clear liquids - grape juice first, then clear liquids (5-6 small meals per day).

-- What to watch for:
profuse or prolonged coughing
neck drainage

Post-Op Day 18-20 (May 30-June 1)
In addition to continuous J-tube feedings, start full liquids (5-6 small meals per day).

Post-Op Day 21-22 (June 2-3)
In addition to continuous J-tube feedings, start soft mushy diet (5-6 small meals per day - can be as small as 3-4 Tablespoons)

-- What to watch for:
 feeling full easily
decrease portions if needed

Post-Op Day 23-25 (June 4-6)
Continue soft mushy diet, cycle J-tube feedings from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m., flush and after, disconnect in the morning. May take medications orally.

Post-Op Day 26 until follow-up clinic visit (June 7 - )
Continue soft mushy diet, stop J-tube feedings, flush J-tube 3 to 4 times per day

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

If you want to visit or call Jim

He is in room 59 on 4th floor of UIHC. Don't come up on Elevator D - I discovered this morning when Rocky, Christina and Austin came to visit, that Elevator D is only for staff. So come up on Elevator E, go right and where signs indicate Elevator D is, go there. The second entrance leads to the wing for thoracic surgery patients and will take you to Jim's room. 

My personal suggestion is to park in Ramp 4. I think the skywalk from Ramp 3 to the hospital is way long and tiring, but some may differ. You can choose from Ramp 1, 3 or 4.

His cell phone is (319) 210-1628 - and his phone for room 59 is (319) 353-9187. It's a wireless phone, so either number he should be able to answer.


Thank Him
for where you are
what you have
Look to Him
and go
where He directs
what He instructs

We seek
not considering
the moments
for development
and growth
that exist in
surgical procedures
and long periods
of recovery

He is there in the midst
but our fears
often take precedence
and we fail
to recognize
Everything HE IS

Thank Him
for showing us
how to pray
and enabling us
to do so for all
day in, day out,

Thank Him
for the pain
from which
we receive

Thank Him
for friends and family
who come alongside us
and give support
in whatever way they can

Thank Him
for every reminder
keeping us
close and closer
to Him.

Thank Him
for moments
of rest,
however brief,
that renews
our stamina
as we press on.

"Rejoice always,  pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the way of God, in Christ Jesus for you" ~ I Thessalonians 5:18

Recovery - Day 1

Jim called me at 7 this morning. I don't know how well he slept through the night... I'm thinking probably not real well. He has a lot of pain on right side of chest, so the pain medication he receives through an IV was increased this morning.

Dr. Parekh, the surgeon, has scheduled a colonoscopy for him 8 to 10 weeks out -- it will be July 21.  I'm just positive Jim will thoroughly enjoy taking that delightfully tasting prep drink again (NOT)!!

It's going on 1 p.m. I arrived at 10 a.m. He has had pain in the mid-chest area. His day nurse, Ashley, said it could be the chest tube poking whenever he moved a lot. Eventually he was given more medicine more frequently through the IV button - like every 6 minutes. He had a visit from the pharmacy guy regarding his meds and how many are or are not available in liquid form. He cannot take flomax so are looking into something different - possibly a tablet that can be crushed and dissolved into the feeding tube. The flomax helps with bathroom duties, so the catheter will probably stay in until things can be better managed.

Two goals were set today. One - Tube feeding begins on Friday. Two - to go home by Sunday.

Today is Day 1. Yesterday, the day of surgery, was Day 0. If everything is okay, the earliest he will go home is Sunday afternoon, but it might be Monday.

Several visitors have come this morning - the Dunnahoos from Wilton Baptist, where Jim has preached occasionally; Rocky, Christina  and Austin - our adopted family ... they brought flowers and a get well balloon and cards. Austin picked out a card just for Papa with a giraffe on it, because he knew Papa liked giraffes. It was so sweet. Austin didn't quite recognize Jim as his voice was rather hoarse. A longtime friend, Joel, who loves Hannibal almost as much as Jim does, came to visit too.

At 5 p.m., Jim had a chest x-ray. That revealed the nose tube was tangled up inside him, making it no longer user friendly, so the tube was removed.

Another test is scheduled in the morning that will show how things are progressing for the planned tube feeding on Friday.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Today is the day

"This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." ~ Psalm 118:24

That was my first thought shortly after getting out of bed at 4:07 this morning and my devotional reading led me to Exodus 33:14, which said "... 'My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.' "

It was a long walk along the skywalk from Ramp 3 to Elevator H and 6th floor (especially for friend Jani Ford and I, as Jim had wheel chair privileges), but we  checked in at the surgery waiting room area on the 6th floor at UIHC right on the dot at 6 a.m. Within minutes, we were transported to a room on 5th floor, where Jim was readied for surgery.

Pastor Dan came by at 6:45 -- we were surprised to see him on his day off. He read from Psalm 121 and prayed with us. It was much appreciated that he took the time to come. Jim's sister, Dianne Weldon, arrived at 7:30.

Jim had his hair clipped from chest to groin. No more fur.

At 7:15 a.m. I learned Jim had failed to communicate some aspects of the surgery with me. First it was going to be minimal-invasive, then traditional, .... he couldn't seem to make up his mind. And then last week he changed it back to minimal-invasive. I was ready to shoot him.

So, instead of a 4-hour procedure, it would be up to 7 hours, possibly longer. He was in the operating room from 8:15 a.m. to 2:44 p.m. We talked with Dr. Parekh at 2:15 - he said everything went well, no complications. For the next 10-15 days, the risk of infection where the stomach and 1-2 centimeters of esophagus connect is high. Don't want any redness or drainage.

The thoracic epidural that had been suggested for pain control didn't happen because of neurofibromatosis (bumps on his body) and the brain tumor surgery he had in 2006. He receives pain medication through an IV and can push a button every 10 minutes.

And then because of his hiatal hernia, he had to numb the throat area himself with a lollipop swab (disgusting stuff) - I think the anesthesia team called it awake fiber optic. It was supposed to help him not aspirate.

He was in the recovery room from 2:44 to 5:15 p.m., and then taken to 4th floor, right around the corner from Eleavor D. His room number is 59. He can have visitors. Dr. Parekh said depending upon how things go, he could come home on day 4 or 5.

It is now 9:30 p.m. Jim just called me on his cell phone. His nurse already has him sitting up on the side of the bed. Tomorrow he will be up walking. He can talk, but his voice is hoarse. He didn't talk much above a whisper several hours ago. He wants to get better soon, so we all have to be positive.

And now for a little trivia we learned from other "waiting" people ... there are 2,400 bathrooms through the hospital.

We thank you for your prayers along the way and continuing in the long days ahead.

Monday, May 11, 2015

The night before

Jim started his colonoscopy prep at 12:30 p.m. today. The effects of it hit him around 5 p.m., so staying close to the bathroom was most beneficial. I think he's cleaned out now. 

Before heading off to bed and a restful (??) sleep of few hours, he had to take a surgical shower using Hibiclens soap, which the hospital provided for him. It's supposed to prevent infections. Jim only read the instructions three times to make sure he got it right. 

The surgery is definitely major, but the shower instructions brought some laughter ...

Use a clean wash cloth and clean towel each time he showered - tonight and also in the morning when he gets up at the bright and early hour of 4 a.m. Tonight, in addition to clean underwear, he needed clean pajamas.  

Remove all body-piercing jewelry ... I don't think he has any.

Our friend Jani spent the night. We decided it was better if we all wake up at the same time in the same house than get up earlier and drive to her house  and discover maybe she wasn't awake yet. That happened several years ago for another surgery Jim had. 

Off to bed now. Morning will come way too soon. 

The opportunity is here

Do not resist
Do not run
from pain-filled days
that enter
and stay for a time

Do not rely
on yourself
your reasonings

Come to the Lord God
who sees all
hears all
understands all
trudges beside you
before you
behind you
in all days
of uncertainty

You ask
seek opportunities
to serve
Do we know ...

How can it be
the problem
the burden
the trial
the difficulty
the stress
is an opportunity
to show another
the way
of Jesus

We asked
We said
we would go
we wanted to serve

The opportunity is here

The door opens
and we step in
a choice made
to rely on
for the strength
desperately needed

He is our everything
in the midst of
every thing
that comes

Every situation, circumstance
can make us stronger
when the way we travel
is the way
He instructs us

Our human emotions
make us crumble
but it is still
to the Lord
we look
for stability
and security

Oh how we need Jesus

There is nothing to be gained
without Him
We are lost,

We look to Him
for hope
with hope
in Hope
and we pray
the opportunity
that is here
He will bring us
safely through