Four days have passed since my last post.
Jim continues to be tired in the midst of doing or not doing and has dizzy spells at least once a day. The dizziness comes whenever and wherever. He doesn't have to be on the floor or sitting; he could be on his feet and moving a different direction and the room would be spinning. One such episode happened Sunday at church when he went upstairs to deliver some Sunday School materials. He became dizzy and the pastor helped him downstairs. He also continues to not drink very much water.
On Monday, I had a much needed massage - wish I could afford to have one every day! - and after lunch, we took the Mazda 5 over to Firestone to see why the check engine light came on. That took the better part of the afternoon only to find the problem required a part to be ordered direct from the dealer and wouldn't arrive until late Wednesday morning. So we left Firestone around 4, finished a few of our ongoing endless list of errands, had blood drawn for the heart cath on Thursday and went home.
On Tuesday, I received a phone call from Dr. Li's office (cardiology) to tell us Jim's thyroid levels were still somewhat elevated. I was surprised by this particular phone call and asked the nurse why thyroid levels were checked. He was supposed to get labs for the heart cath on Thursday. Somewhere along the line, MedLabs didn't pull the correct report. Thyroid levels were to be checked the end of August, not July. And then of course, Dr. Li's office did not have the report sent earlier in the month from Dr. Parekh's office at UIHC about discontinuing the Amiodarone. It had been faxed July 6 and refaxed again today.
This morning, Jim decided he wanted the grass in the backyard to be shorter than it was, and since it was much less humid than in previous days, determined he was going to mow it. It took him an hour to do it, in addition to trimming weeds. He spent the afternoon resting. It is probably not the smartest decision, but it was his.
On Wednesday morning, we will get moving a tad earlier - take the car to Firestone for them to repair it, then come home so I can do Gazette work, then pick up the car before it closes - hopefully, there'll be someone who can give us a ride over there. Jim is still not driving by himself.
Jim continues to be tired in the midst of doing or not doing and has dizzy spells at least once a day. The dizziness comes whenever and wherever. He doesn't have to be on the floor or sitting; he could be on his feet and moving a different direction and the room would be spinning. One such episode happened Sunday at church when he went upstairs to deliver some Sunday School materials. He became dizzy and the pastor helped him downstairs. He also continues to not drink very much water.
On Monday, I had a much needed massage - wish I could afford to have one every day! - and after lunch, we took the Mazda 5 over to Firestone to see why the check engine light came on. That took the better part of the afternoon only to find the problem required a part to be ordered direct from the dealer and wouldn't arrive until late Wednesday morning. So we left Firestone around 4, finished a few of our ongoing endless list of errands, had blood drawn for the heart cath on Thursday and went home.
On Tuesday, I received a phone call from Dr. Li's office (cardiology) to tell us Jim's thyroid levels were still somewhat elevated. I was surprised by this particular phone call and asked the nurse why thyroid levels were checked. He was supposed to get labs for the heart cath on Thursday. Somewhere along the line, MedLabs didn't pull the correct report. Thyroid levels were to be checked the end of August, not July. And then of course, Dr. Li's office did not have the report sent earlier in the month from Dr. Parekh's office at UIHC about discontinuing the Amiodarone. It had been faxed July 6 and refaxed again today.
This morning, Jim decided he wanted the grass in the backyard to be shorter than it was, and since it was much less humid than in previous days, determined he was going to mow it. It took him an hour to do it, in addition to trimming weeds. He spent the afternoon resting. It is probably not the smartest decision, but it was his.
On Wednesday morning, we will get moving a tad earlier - take the car to Firestone for them to repair it, then come home so I can do Gazette work, then pick up the car before it closes - hopefully, there'll be someone who can give us a ride over there. Jim is still not driving by himself.
It's so important to keep on top of the medical records and things yourself, as doctors, nurses, pharm techs, etc., can make mistakes. When the doctor tells you what he's prescribing or test ordering or treatment suggested, write it down and make sure it's followed up. My Dad was prescribed Premidone for his essential tremor, but was given Prednisone by the pharmacy and didn't catch the error. No one did! Unfortunately, we need to take more responsibility for our health and not rely on overworked medical staff.