"You are My servant, I have chosen you and have not cast you away. Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I AM your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." ~ Isaiah 41: 9b-10
A setback
a snag
Jaw pain
realized Thursday, April 30
Saturday, May 2
A call
On-call dentist
of little value
$200 charge
just for a look-see
Another call
On-call doctor
concern in our wake
IF infection
no surgery
Tylenol taken
for pain
and Orajel too
as we waited
for Monday
to come
First thing
7:30 a.m.
Monday, May 4
the day before
scheduled surgery
at his dentist's door
X-ray taken
worst case scenario
A major infection
Root Canal needed
No surgery
to be that very next day
More phone calls made
He to UIHC
me to the endodontist
A root canal
scheduled and accomplished
3 p.m. that day
and surgery rescheduled
8:15 a.m. Tuesday, May 12
We wondered why
But God knew
A reason always
for everything
that comes
as Jim considered,
it was because
his sister,
the family R.N.,
couldn't be there May 5
but she can May 12
God knew Jim
wanted her there
Perhaps another reason
Perhaps we will know
along the way
or at another time.
God knows
God is in control
We must Trust
in all He does
He is with us
at every turn.
God has chosen us
He does not throw us aside
I AM with you
is His reply
Do not fear
Do not be dismayed
Come to Him
The strength you do not have
to face every trial
The Lord will give you
He will help you
He will uphold you
It is His Strength, His Power, His Love, His Peace
we need
to overcome the pain of life
God has chosen you
He does not cast you to the wolves
You are His
Live your life as His child
God is the one ultimately in control
Look to Him
Abide with Him
Trust in Him
Believe in Him
Worship Him
Praise Him
Be reconciled to Him
Pray to Him
Listen to Him
Respond to Him
Be obedient to His instructions
God has chosen you
for eternity
He does not cast us aside
Why would you choose your way
over His way
when His way is best?
He gives us the strength we need
in our every weakness.