Moment by moment
choices we make
that which we know to do
we sometimes choose
that which we do not desire
we sometimes travel
the fork in the road
always before us
Is it a never-ending cycle
It is what you make it
Keep your focus on Jesus
or be swallowed up
by your own selfish self
traveling down avenues and back alleys
of what if, what then, how, why
Wherever I travel
wherever I am
The Lord - He is with me
to reach out
and know He is near
His Presence
is what I need
day or night
in good times and bad
in sad times and glad
The choice
not always so easy
Help me! I cry
Get me out of this pit
This downward spiral
caught off guard
catch me Lord
calm my fears
clear free my mindless thoughts
of all I do not want to be
nor want to go
Return me to you
where I was
not that many days ago
Cradle me
in Your loving embrace
Remove the fear before me
Cleanse me from every unrighteous
thought that hinders my relationship
with You
It is You, only You Lord
that brings rest, peace, quietness, stillness
within me.
Only You.
Restore me Lord
into Your Presence.
You Lord
overcame death
Satan thought his grip on you
more powerful
so wrong, so wrong
all he has had and ever will have
are minute, tiny particles
of sand
sifting, shifting
to steal
and kill
and destroy.
You Lord
are higher,
The Utmost
forever and ever.
Remove my sadness
Take away the pain
of the valley I flounder in
Return me to you Lord
Restore my peace
I want to feel Your abiding Presence
within me
all of my days
every day.
In Jesus' name,
I pray.
Sweet Holy Spirit
Sweet Heavenly Dove
I remembered the song from old
but not a good rendition
to find on Youtube
Another ... Holy Spirit Come Fill This Place
sung by Cece Winans
I share with you.
I have joined you in this prayer. Amen. (((HUG)))